Hugo_Symbol Entrez_Gene_Id Center NCBI_Build Chromosome Start_position End_position Strand Variant_Classification Variant_Type Reference_Allele Tumor_Seq_Allele1 Tumor_Seq_Allele2 dbSNP_RS dbSNP_Val_Status Tumor_Sample_Barcode Matched_Norm_Sample_Barcode Match_Norm_Seq_Allele1 Match_Norm_Seq_Allele2 Tumor_Validation_Allele1 Tumor_Validation_Allele2 Match_Norm_Validation_Allele1 Match_Norm_Validation_Allele2 Verification_Status Validation_Status Mutation_Status Sequencing_Phase Sequence_Source Validation_Method Score BAM_file Sequencer Tumor_Sample_UUID Matched_Norm_Sample_UUID Genome_Change Annotation_Transcript Transcript_Strand Transcript_Exon Transcript_Position cDNA_Change Codon_Change Protein_Change Other_Transcripts Refseq_mRNA_Id Refseq_prot_Id SwissProt_acc_Id SwissProt_entry_Id Description UniProt_AApos UniProt_Region GO_Biological_Process GO_Cellular_Component GO_Molecular_Function COSMIC_tissue_types_affected COSMIC_total_alterations_in_gene Tumorscape_Amplification_Peaks Tumorscape_Deletion_Peaks TCGAscape_Amplification_Peaks TCGAscape_Deletion_Peaks ref_context gc_content COSMIC_n_overlapping_mutations ESP_AvgAAsampleReadDepth ESP_AvgEAsampleReadDepth ESP_AvgSampleReadDepth ESP_Chromosome ESP_Position ESP_TotalAAsamplesCovered ESP_TotalEAsamplesCovered ESP_TotalSamplesCovered Ensembl_so_accession Ensembl_so_term HGNC_AccessionNumbers HGNC_CCDSIDs HGNC_Chromosome HGNC_DateModified HGNC_DateNameChanged HGNC_DateSymbolChanged HGNC_EnsemblGeneID HGNC_EnsemblIDsuppliedbyEnsembl HGNC_Genefamilydescription HGNC_HGNCID HGNC_LocusGroup HGNC_LocusType HGNC_NameSynonyms HGNC_OMIMIDsuppliedbyNCBI HGNC_PreviousNames HGNC_PreviousSymbols HGNC_PubmedIDs HGNC_RecordType HGNC_RefSeqsuppliedbyNCBI HGNC_Status HGNC_Synonyms HGNC_UCSCIDsuppliedbyUCSC HGNC_UniProtIDsuppliedbyUniProt HGNC_VEGAIDs HGVS_coding_DNA_change HGVS_genomic_change HGVS_protein_change UniProt_alt_uniprot_accessions annotation_transcript build ccds_id dbNSFP_1000Gp1_AC dbNSFP_1000Gp1_AF dbNSFP_1000Gp1_AFR_AC dbNSFP_1000Gp1_AFR_AF dbNSFP_1000Gp1_AMR_AC dbNSFP_1000Gp1_AMR_AF dbNSFP_1000Gp1_ASN_AC dbNSFP_1000Gp1_ASN_AF dbNSFP_1000Gp1_EUR_AC dbNSFP_1000Gp1_EUR_AF dbNSFP_Ancestral_allele dbNSFP_CADD_phred dbNSFP_CADD_raw dbNSFP_CADD_raw_rankscore dbNSFP_ESP6500_AA_AF dbNSFP_ESP6500_EA_AF dbNSFP_Ensembl_geneid dbNSFP_Ensembl_transcriptid dbNSFP_FATHMM_pred dbNSFP_FATHMM_rankscore dbNSFP_FATHMM_score dbNSFP_GERP_NR dbNSFP_GERP_RS dbNSFP_GERP_RS_rankscore dbNSFP_Interpro_domain dbNSFP_LRT_Omega dbNSFP_LRT_converted_rankscore dbNSFP_LRT_pred dbNSFP_LRT_score dbNSFP_LR_pred dbNSFP_LR_rankscore dbNSFP_LR_score dbNSFP_MutationAssessor_pred dbNSFP_MutationAssessor_rankscore dbNSFP_MutationAssessor_score dbNSFP_MutationTaster_converted_rankscore dbNSFP_MutationTaster_pred dbNSFP_MutationTaster_score dbNSFP_Polyphen2_HDIV_pred dbNSFP_Polyphen2_HDIV_rankscore dbNSFP_Polyphen2_HDIV_score dbNSFP_Polyphen2_HVAR_pred dbNSFP_Polyphen2_HVAR_rankscore dbNSFP_Polyphen2_HVAR_score dbNSFP_RadialSVM_pred dbNSFP_RadialSVM_rankscore dbNSFP_RadialSVM_score dbNSFP_Reliability_index dbNSFP_SIFT_converted_rankscore dbNSFP_SIFT_pred dbNSFP_SIFT_score dbNSFP_SLR_test_statistic dbNSFP_SiPhy_29way_logOdds dbNSFP_SiPhy_29way_logOdds_rankscore dbNSFP_SiPhy_29way_pi dbNSFP_UniSNP_ids dbNSFP_Uniprot_aapos dbNSFP_Uniprot_acc dbNSFP_Uniprot_id dbNSFP_aaalt dbNSFP_aapos dbNSFP_aapos_FATHMM dbNSFP_aapos_SIFT dbNSFP_aaref dbNSFP_cds_strand dbNSFP_codonpos dbNSFP_folddegenerate dbNSFP_genename dbNSFP_hg18_pos1coor dbNSFP_phastCons100way_vertebrate dbNSFP_phastCons100way_vertebrate_rankscore dbNSFP_phastCons46way_placental dbNSFP_phastCons46way_placental_rankscore dbNSFP_phastCons46way_primate dbNSFP_phastCons46way_primate_rankscore dbNSFP_phyloP100way_vertebrate dbNSFP_phyloP100way_vertebrate_rankscore dbNSFP_phyloP46way_placental dbNSFP_phyloP46way_placental_rankscore dbNSFP_phyloP46way_primate dbNSFP_phyloP46way_primate_rankscore dbNSFP_refcodon gencode_transcript_name gencode_transcript_status gencode_transcript_tags gencode_transcript_type gene_type havana_transcript init_n_lod init_t_lod isArtifactMode n_alt_count n_ref_count oxoGCut pox pox_cutoff qox refseq_mrna_id t_alt_count t_lod_fstar t_ref_count tumor_f BRCA1 672 hg19 17 41244681 41244681 + Missense_Mutation SNP G G C rs80357961 TCGA-VD-AA8P-01A-11D-A39W-08 TCGA-VD-AA8P-10A-01D-A39Z-08 Unknown Untested Somatic Phase_I WXS none Illumina GAIIx 5e4ed9fe-6d1c-495a-8ae6-ade952d0fec2 9c561355-ff26-452d-9ed3-870d5a6fdb1e g.chr17:41244681G>C ENST00000309486.4 - 9 3006 c.1979C>G c.(1978-1980)tCt>tGt p.S660C BRCA1_ENST00000354071.3_Missense_Mutation_p.S956C|BRCA1_ENST00000352993.3_Intron|BRCA1_ENST00000357654.3_Missense_Mutation_p.S956C|BRCA1_ENST00000586385.1_Intron|BRCA1_ENST00000346315.3_Missense_Mutation_p.S956C|BRCA1_ENST00000351666.3_Intron|BRCA1_ENST00000493795.1_Missense_Mutation_p.S909C|BRCA1_ENST00000491747.2_Intron|BRCA1_ENST00000591534.1_Intron|BRCA1_ENST00000471181.2_Missense_Mutation_p.S956C|BRCA1_ENST00000468300.1_Intron|BRCA1_ENST00000591849.1_Intron NM_007297.3 NP_009228.2 P38398 BRCA1_HUMAN breast cancer 1, early onset 956 androgen receptor signaling pathway|apoptosis|cellular response to indole-3-methanol|chromosome segregation|DNA damage response, signal transduction by p53 class mediator resulting in transcription of p21 class mediator|DNA damage response, signal transduction resulting in induction of apoptosis|double-strand break repair via homologous recombination|fatty acid biosynthetic process|G2/M transition DNA damage checkpoint|negative regulation of centriole replication|negative regulation of fatty acid biosynthetic process|negative regulation of histone H3-K9 methylation|negative regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent|positive regulation of cell cycle arrest|positive regulation of DNA repair|positive regulation of histone acetylation|positive regulation of histone H3-K4 methylation|positive regulation of histone H4-K20 methylation|positive regulation of protein ubiquitination|positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter|postreplication repair|protein autoubiquitination|protein K6-linked ubiquitination|regulation of cell motility|regulation of cell proliferation|regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase III promoter|response to estrogen stimulus|response to ionizing radiation|substrate adhesion-dependent cell spreading BRCA1-A complex|BRCA1-BARD1 complex|gamma-tubulin ring complex|nucleoplasm|plasma membrane|ribonucleoprotein complex|ruffle androgen receptor binding|identical protein binding|protein binding|RNA binding|transcription coactivator activity|transcription regulatory region DNA binding|tubulin binding|ubiquitin protein ligase binding|ubiquitin-protein ligase activity|zinc ion binding NS(1)|breast(30)|central_nervous_system(1)|cervix(1)|endometrium(2)|haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue(1)|kidney(5)|large_intestine(7)|lung(28)|ovary(36)|skin(2)|stomach(4)|urinary_tract(2) 120 Breast(137;0.000717) BRCA - Breast invasive adenocarcinoma(366;0.126) TCTGAACTGAGATGATAGACA 0.393 0 120.0 119.0 120.0 17 41244681 2203 4300 6503 SO:0001583 missense U14680 CCDS11453.1, CCDS11454.1, CCDS11455.1, CCDS11456.1, CCDS11459.1, CCDS11455.2, CCDS11456.2, CCDS11459.2, CCDS11454.2 17q21.31 2014-09-17 ENSG00000012048 ENSG00000012048 """RING-type (C3HC4) zinc fingers"", ""Serine/threonine phosphatases / Protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunits""" 1100 protein-coding gene gene with protein product """BRCA1/BRCA2-containing complex, subunit 1"", ""protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 53""" 113705 1676470 Standard NM_007300 Approved RNF53, BRCC1, PPP1R53 uc002ict.3 P38398 OTTHUMG00000157426 ENST00000357654.3:c.2867C>G 17.37:g.41244681G>C ENSP00000350283:p.Ser956Cys O15129|Q1RMC1|Q3LRJ0|Q3LRJ6|Q6IN79|Q7KYU9 ENST00000357654.3 37 CCDS11453.1 . . . . . . . . . . G 8.488 0.861394 0.17178 . . ENSG00000012048 ENST00000357654;ENST00000412061;ENST00000354071;ENST00000346315;ENST00000309486;ENST00000471181;ENST00000493795 T;T;T;T;T;T 0.78707 -1.2;-1.2;-1.2;-1.2;-1.2;-1.2 5.04 1.78 0.24846 . 0.847511 0.10115 N 0.714129 D 0.88209 0.6375 M 0.90922 3.16 0.09310 N 1 D;D;D;D;D;P 0.76494 0.999;0.999;0.999;0.974;0.996;0.819 D;D;D;P;P;P 0.75484 0.921;0.921;0.986;0.854;0.908;0.464 T 0.73392 -0.3997 10 0.87932 D 0 . 4.9292 0.13909 0.1682:0.0:0.5368:0.295 . 956;915;956;956;956;956 E7EMP0;E7ERL4;Q5YLB2;E9PFC7;P38398;P38398-2 .;.;.;.;BRCA1_HUMAN;. C 956;956;956;956;660;956;909 ENSP00000350283:S956C;ENSP00000326002:S956C;ENSP00000246907:S956C;ENSP00000310938:S660C;ENSP00000418960:S956C;ENSP00000418775:S909C ENSP00000310938:S660C S - 2 0 BRCA1 38498207 0.003000 0.15002 0.176000 0.23000 0.009000 0.06853 -0.005000 0.12855 0.699000 0.31761 -0.188000 0.12872 TCT BRCA1-001 KNOWN basic|appris_principal|CCDS protein_coding protein_coding OTTHUMT00000348798.2 -28.436974 0 -11 173 0 0 1 0 NM_007294 4 7.843319 143 0.027211 ALG1 56052 hg19 16 5121851 5121851 + Translation_Start_Site SNP A A G TCGA-VD-AA8P-01A-11D-A39W-08 TCGA-VD-AA8P-10A-01D-A39Z-08 Unknown Untested Somatic Phase_I WXS none Illumina GAIIx 5e4ed9fe-6d1c-495a-8ae6-ade952d0fec2 9c561355-ff26-452d-9ed3-870d5a6fdb1e g.chr16:5121851A>G ENST00000262374.5 + 1 32 c.1A>G c.(1-3)Atg>Gtg p.M1V ALG1_ENST00000588623.1_Intron NM_019109.4 NP_061982.3 Q9BT22 ALG1_HUMAN ALG1, chitobiosyldiphosphodolichol beta-mannosyltransferase 1 dolichol-linked oligosaccharide biosynthetic process|lipopolysaccharide biosynthetic process|post-translational protein modification|protein N-linked glycosylation via asparagine endoplasmic reticulum membrane|integral to membrane chitobiosyldiphosphodolichol beta-mannosyltransferase activity breast(1)|cervix(1)|endometrium(1)|large_intestine(1)|lung(5)|ovary(1)|prostate(1)|upper_aerodigestive_tract(1)|urinary_tract(1) 13 Ovarian(90;0.0164) GCCAGCCAAGATGGCGGCCTC 0.721 0 13.0 14.0 14.0 16 5121851 2188 4285 6473 SO:0001582 initiator_codon_variant AB019038 CCDS10528.1 16p13.3 2013-02-22 2013-02-22 ENSG00000033011 ENSG00000033011 """Glycosyltransferase group 1 domain containing""" 18294 protein-coding gene gene with protein product 605907 """asparagine-linked glycosylation 1 homolog (yeast, beta-1,4-mannosyltransferase)"", ""asparagine-linked glycosylation 1, beta-1,4-mannosyltransferase homolog (S. cerevisiae)""" 10704531 Standard NM_019109 Approved HMT-1, HMAT1 uc002cym.3 Q9BT22 OTTHUMG00000129529 ENST00000262374.5:c.1A>G 16.37:g.5121851A>G ENSP00000262374:p.Met1Val B4DP08|Q6UVZ9|Q8N5Y4|Q9P2Y2 ENST00000262374.5 37 CCDS10528.1 . . . . . . . . . . A 11.97 1.797087 0.31777 . . ENSG00000033011 ENST00000262374 T 0.75367 -0.93 4.81 4.81 0.61882 . 0.309916 0.36591 N 0.002506 T 0.66446 0.2790 . . . 0.80722 D 1 B 0.15141 0.012 B 0.11329 0.006 T 0.65961 -0.6041 9 0.87932 D 0 -29.8406 10.8028 0.46497 1.0:0.0:0.0:0.0 . 1 Q9BT22 ALG1_HUMAN V 1 ENSP00000262374:M1V ENSP00000262374:M1V M + 1 0 ALG1 5061852 . . 1.000000 0.80357 0.109000 0.19521 . . 1.816000 0.52996 0.454000 0.30748 ATG ALG1-001 KNOWN basic|appris_principal|CCDS protein_coding protein_coding OTTHUMT00000251716.2 23.394786 0 -13 9 0 0 1 0 NM_019109 8 23.443504 10 0.444444 DNAH17 8632 hg19 17 76563118 76563118 + Missense_Mutation SNP G G A TCGA-VD-AA8P-01A-11D-A39W-08 TCGA-VD-AA8P-10A-01D-A39Z-08 Unknown Untested Somatic Phase_I WXS none Illumina GAIIx 5e4ed9fe-6d1c-495a-8ae6-ade952d0fec2 9c561355-ff26-452d-9ed3-870d5a6fdb1e g.chr17:76563118G>A ENST00000389840.5 - 10 1539 c.1415C>T c.(1414-1416)gCc>gTc p.A472V DNAH17_ENST00000585328.1_Missense_Mutation_p.A472V dynein, axonemal, heavy chain 17 NS(2)|breast(7)|central_nervous_system(5)|cervix(1)|endometrium(15)|haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue(1)|kidney(13)|large_intestine(8)|lung(37)|ovary(8)|prostate(7)|skin(4)|stomach(2)|upper_aerodigestive_tract(3)|urinary_tract(3) 116 BRCA - Breast invasive adenocarcinoma(99;0.00294)|OV - Ovarian serous cystadenocarcinoma(97;0.0656) TTTGCAGTCGGCAAAAACCTT 0.567 0 68.0 57.0 61.0 17 76563118 2203 4300 6503 SO:0001583 missense AJ000522 17q25.3 2012-04-19 2006-09-04 ENSG00000187775 ENSG00000187775 """Axonemal dyneins""" 2946 protein-coding gene gene with protein product 610063 """dynein, axonemal, heavy polypeptide 17"", ""dynein, axonemal, heavy chain like 1"", ""dynein, axonemal, heavy like 1""" DNAHL1 9545504 Standard NM_173628 Approved DNEL2, FLJ40457 uc010dhp.2 Q9UFH2 ENST00000585328.1:c.1415C>T 17.37:g.76563118G>A ENSP00000465516:p.Ala472Val O00431|O15206|Q2M2Y1|Q6ZRQ2|Q8N7Q7 ENST00000585328.1 37 . . . . . . . . . . G 8.418 0.845762 0.16963 . . ENSG00000187775 ENST00000300671;ENST00000389840 T 0.56275 0.47 4.92 2.93 0.34026 . 0.643900 0.13370 N 0.393012 T 0.46092 0.1375 L 0.54323 1.7 0.24140 N 0.995735 B 0.13145 0.007 B 0.16722 0.016 T 0.34428 -0.9829 10 0.30078 T 0.28 . 9.5094 0.39067 0.168:0.0:0.832:0.0 . 174 Q9UFH2-4 . V 472 ENSP00000374490:A472V ENSP00000300671:A472V A - 2 0 DNAH17 74074713 0.865000 0.29922 0.042000 0.18584 0.248000 0.25809 3.514000 0.53422 0.609000 0.30018 0.561000 0.74099 GCC DNAH17-001 PUTATIVE not_organism_supported|basic|appris_principal protein_coding protein_coding OTTHUMT00000318962.2 6.482257 0 4 23 0 0 1 0 NM_173628 4 9.238291 21 0.160000 SYBU 55638 hg19 8 110590198 110590198 + Silent SNP G G T TCGA-VD-AA8P-01A-11D-A39W-08 TCGA-VD-AA8P-10A-01D-A39Z-08 Unknown Untested Somatic Phase_I WXS none Illumina GAIIx 5e4ed9fe-6d1c-495a-8ae6-ade952d0fec2 9c561355-ff26-452d-9ed3-870d5a6fdb1e g.chr8:110590198G>T ENST00000399066.3 - 5 1501 c.774C>A c.(772-774)ccC>ccA p.P258P SYBU_ENST00000408889.3_Silent_p.P142P|SYBU_ENST00000422135.1_Silent_p.P261P|SYBU_ENST00000529690.1_Silent_p.P131P|SYBU_ENST00000446070.2_Silent_p.P260P|SYBU_ENST00000533171.1_Silent_p.P261P|SYBU_ENST00000408908.2_Silent_p.P261P|SYBU_ENST00000433638.1_Silent_p.P261P|SYBU_ENST00000528331.1_Silent_p.P142P|SYBU_ENST00000533065.1_Silent_p.P142P|SYBU_ENST00000529175.1_Silent_p.P55P|SYBU_ENST00000276646.9_Silent_p.P261P|SYBU_ENST00000424158.2_Silent_p.P266P|SYBU_ENST00000533895.1_Silent_p.P260P|SYBU_ENST00000440310.1_Silent_p.P261P|SYBU_ENST00000532779.1_Silent_p.P193P|SYBU_ENST00000528647.1_Silent_p.P260P|SYBU_ENST00000419099.1_Silent_p.P260P|SYBU_ENST00000527707.1_5'UTR NM_001099756.1 NP_001093226.1 Q9NX95 SYBU_HUMAN syntabulin (syntaxin-interacting) 261 Sufficient for interaction with KIF5B. cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle|cytoskeleton|Golgi membrane|integral to membrane NS(1)|breast(4)|cervix(1)|endometrium(3)|kidney(2)|large_intestine(2)|lung(13)|ovary(1)|pancreas(1)|prostate(1)|urinary_tract(1) 30 CTGGGTTTGGGGGTCTGACAC 0.453 0 201.0 194.0 196.0 8 110590198 1986 4174 6160 SO:0001819 synonymous_variant AB040905 CCDS43763.1, CCDS43764.1, CCDS47912.1, CCDS55271.1 8q23.2 2010-08-27 ENSG00000147642 26011 protein-coding gene gene with protein product """syntaphilin-like""" 611568 17611281, 16750881, 16157705, 15656992, 15459722 Standard NM_001099743 Approved FLJ20366, GOLSYN, KIAA1472, OCSYN, SNPHL uc003ynj.4 Q9NX95 ENST00000533895.1:c.780C>A 8.37:g.110590198G>T A8K354|B3KQX3|B3KU61|Q5R1T1|Q5R1T2|Q5R1T3|Q5Y2M6|Q8ND49|Q8TCR6|Q96D80|Q9P256 ENST00000533895.1 37 CCDS43763.1 SYBU-001 KNOWN basic|appris_candidate|CCDS protein_coding protein_coding OTTHUMT00000385489.1 311.629677 1 -58 117 0 3.78979e-47 1 4.09297e-47 NM_017786 96 313.810838 57 0.627451 SLC13A5 284111 hg19 17 6594096 6594096 + Splice_Site SNP A A T TCGA-VD-AA8P-01A-11D-A39W-08 TCGA-VD-AA8P-10A-01D-A39Z-08 Unknown Untested Somatic Phase_I WXS none Illumina GAIIx 5e4ed9fe-6d1c-495a-8ae6-ade952d0fec2 9c561355-ff26-452d-9ed3-870d5a6fdb1e g.chr17:6594096A>T ENST00000433363.2 - 10 1671 c.e10+1 SLC13A5_ENST00000293800.6_Splice_Site|SLC13A5_ENST00000573648.1_Splice_Site|SLC13A5_ENST00000381074.4_Splice_Site NM_001284510.1|NM_177550.3 NP_001271439.1|NP_808218.1 Q86YT5 S13A5_HUMAN solute carrier family 13 (sodium-dependent citrate transporter), member 5 integral to membrane citrate transmembrane transporter activity breast(1)|cervix(1)|endometrium(3)|kidney(1)|large_intestine(2)|lung(9)|prostate(5)|skin(3)|urinary_tract(1) 26 CAGGTTACTTACCATGGAGGC 0.552 0 211.0 187.0 195.0 17 6594096 2203 4300 6503 SO:0001630 splice_region_variant AJ489980 CCDS11079.1, CCDS45593.1, CCDS67136.1, CCDS67137.1 17p13.1 2013-05-22 ENSG00000141485 ENSG00000141485 """Solute carriers""" 23089 protein-coding gene gene with protein product 608305 12445824 Standard NM_001284510 Approved NACT uc002gdj.3 Q86YT5 OTTHUMG00000102052 ENST00000433363.2:c.1437+1T>A 17.37:g.6594096A>T B3KXR0|B7Z4P2|B7ZLB4|F8W7N2|Q6ZMG1 ENST00000433363.2 37 CCDS11079.1 . . . . . . . . . . A 20.2 3.942801 0.73672 . . ENSG00000141485 ENST00000293800;ENST00000433363;ENST00000381074 . . . 4.8 4.8 0.61643 . . . . . . . . . . . 0.80722 D 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.606 0.56523 1.0:0.0:0.0:0.0 . . . . . -1 . . . - . . SLC13A5 6534820 1.000000 0.71417 1.000000 0.80357 0.958000 0.62258 8.396000 0.90190 1.920000 0.55613 0.533000 0.62120 . SLC13A5-001 KNOWN basic|appris_principal|CCDS protein_coding protein_coding OTTHUMT00000219853.2 117.307649 0 -22 99 0 0 1 0 NM_177550 39 117.971739 56 0.410526 TMEM35 59353 hg19 X 100349757 100349757 + Nonsense_Mutation SNP C C T TCGA-VD-AA8P-01A-11D-A39W-08 TCGA-VD-AA8P-10A-01D-A39Z-08 Unknown Untested Somatic Phase_I WXS none Illumina GAIIx 5e4ed9fe-6d1c-495a-8ae6-ade952d0fec2 9c561355-ff26-452d-9ed3-870d5a6fdb1e g.chrX:100349757C>T ENST00000372930.4 + 2 599 c.316C>T c.(316-318)Cag>Tag p.Q106* TMEM35_ENST00000478351.1_3'UTR NM_021637.2 NP_067650.1 Q53FP2 TMM35_HUMAN transmembrane protein 35 106 cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle|integral to membrane|peroxisomal membrane NS(1)|large_intestine(3)|liver(1)|skin(1)|urinary_tract(1) 7 CTTCTTCCACCAGCTGGTCGG 0.577 0 250.0 183.0 206.0 X 100349757 2203 4300 6503 SO:0001587 stop_gained AK024146 CCDS14478.1 Xq22 2008-02-05 ENSG00000126950 ENSG00000126950 25864 protein-coding gene gene with protein product Standard NM_021637 Approved FLJ14084 uc004egw.3 Q53FP2 OTTHUMG00000022016 ENST00000372930.4:c.316C>T X.37:g.100349757C>T ENSP00000362021:p.Gln106* Q9H7Y3 ENST00000372930.4 37 CCDS14478.1 . . . . . . . . . . C 37 6.294758 0.97449 . . ENSG00000126950 ENST00000372930;ENST00000444892 . . . 5.51 5.51 0.81932 . 0.052538 0.85682 D 0.000000 . . . . . . 0.80722 D 1 . . . . . . . . . . 0.08599 T 0.76 -34.3831 18.3931 0.90490 0.0:1.0:0.0:0.0 . . . . X 106;65 . ENSP00000362021:Q106X Q + 1 0 TMEM35 100236413 1.000000 0.71417 1.000000 0.80357 0.983000 0.72400 7.267000 0.78462 2.284000 0.76573 0.594000 0.82650 CAG TMEM35-001 KNOWN basic|appris_principal|CCDS protein_coding protein_coding OTTHUMT00000057508.1 141.613520 0 -22 84 0 0 1 0 NM_021637 47 141.668591 52 0.474747 FAM212A 389119 hg19 3 49842221 49842221 + Missense_Mutation SNP C C A TCGA-VD-AA8P-01A-11D-A39W-08 TCGA-VD-AA8P-10A-01D-A39Z-08 Unknown Untested Somatic Phase_I WXS none Illumina GAIIx 5e4ed9fe-6d1c-495a-8ae6-ade952d0fec2 9c561355-ff26-452d-9ed3-870d5a6fdb1e g.chr3:49842221C>A ENST00000333323.4 + 2 798 c.665C>A c.(664-666)cCc>cAc p.P222H NM_203370.1 NP_976248.1 Q96EL1 CC054_HUMAN family with sequence similarity 212, member A 220 CGTGCTCGGCCCCCTCAGTTC 0.657 0 78.0 84.0 82.0 3 49842221 2203 4300 6503 SO:0001583 missense BC012170 CCDS2804.1 3p21.31 2011-11-24 2011-11-24 2011-11-24 ENSG00000185614 ENSG00000185614 32480 protein-coding gene gene with protein product """chromosome 3 open reading frame 54""" C3orf54 Standard NM_203370 Approved uc003cxq.1 Q96EL1 OTTHUMG00000158268 ENST00000333323.4:c.665C>A 3.37:g.49842221C>A ENSP00000329735:p.Pro222His ENST00000333323.4 37 CCDS2804.1 . . . . . . . . . . C 19.48 3.836245 0.71373 . . ENSG00000185614 ENST00000333323 . . . 5.14 5.14 0.70334 . 0.000000 0.51477 D 0.000095 T 0.74253 0.3692 L 0.44542 1.39 0.51233 D 0.999919 D 0.89917 1.0 D 0.91635 0.999 T 0.76061 -0.3097 9 0.72032 D 0.01 . 18.4034 0.90525 0.0:1.0:0.0:0.0 . 220 Q96EL1 CC054_HUMAN H 222 . ENSP00000329735:P222H P + 2 0 C3orf54 49817225 1.000000 0.71417 1.000000 0.80357 0.855000 0.48748 4.950000 0.63603 2.686000 0.91538 0.561000 0.74099 CCC FAM212A-001 KNOWN basic|appris_principal|CCDS protein_coding protein_coding OTTHUMT00000350514.1 153.842289 1 -26 96 0 6.9144e-35 1 7.18033e-35 NM_203370 48 162.842988 4 0.923077 CTDSP1 58190 hg19 2 219268127 219268127 + Missense_Mutation SNP A A G TCGA-VD-AA8P-01A-11D-A39W-08 TCGA-VD-AA8P-10A-01D-A39Z-08 Unknown Untested Somatic Phase_I WXS none Illumina GAIIx 5e4ed9fe-6d1c-495a-8ae6-ade952d0fec2 9c561355-ff26-452d-9ed3-870d5a6fdb1e g.chr2:219268127A>G ENST00000273062.2 + 6 980 c.644A>G c.(643-645)cAt>cGt p.H215R CTDSP1_ENST00000488627.1_3'UTR|CTDSP1_ENST00000443891.1_Missense_Mutation_p.H214R NM_021198.2|NM_182642.2 NP_067021.1|NP_872580.1 Q9GZU7 CTDS1_HUMAN CTD (carboxy-terminal domain, RNA polymerase II, polypeptide A) small phosphatase 1 215 FCP1 homology. protein dephosphorylation|regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter nucleus CTD phosphatase activity|metal ion binding|protein binding NS(1)|large_intestine(2)|lung(3)|ovary(1)|skin(1) 8 Renal(207;0.0915) Epithelial(149;9.96e-07)|all cancers(144;0.00017)|LUSC - Lung squamous cell carcinoma(224;0.008)|Lung(261;0.00942) TATGTCTTCCATCCAGACAAT 0.607 0 61.0 63.0 62.0 2 219268127 2203 4300 6503 SO:0001583 missense AF229162 CCDS2416.1, CCDS56166.1 2q35 2010-06-21 ENSG00000144579 ENSG00000144579 """Serine/threonine phosphatases / CTD aspartate-based phosphatases""" 21614 protein-coding gene gene with protein product """nuclear LIM interactor-interacting factor"", ""small CTD phosphatase 1""" 605323 11950066, 12721286 Standard NM_021198 Approved NLIIF, SCP1 uc021vwv.1 Q9GZU7 OTTHUMG00000133109 ENST00000273062.2:c.644A>G 2.37:g.219268127A>G ENSP00000273062:p.His215Arg C9IYG0|Q7Z5Q3|Q7Z5Q4 ENST00000273062.2 37 CCDS2416.1 .|. .|. .|. .|. .|. .|. .|. .|. .|. .|. A|A 19.22|19.22 3.786513|3.786513 0.70337|0.70337 .|. .|. ENSG00000144579|ENSG00000144579 ENST00000443891;ENST00000273062|ENST00000452977;ENST00000428361 T;T|. 0.17691|. 2.26;2.26|. 4.64|4.64 4.64|4.64 0.57946|0.57946 NLI interacting factor (3);Dullard phosphatase domain, eukaryotic (1);HAD-like domain (2);|. 0.000000|. 0.85682|. D|. 0.000000|. D|D 0.88243|0.88243 0.6384|0.6384 H|H 0.98664|0.98664 4.295|4.295 0.80722|0.80722 D|D 1|1 P;P|. 0.46277|. 0.875;0.875|. P;P|. 0.59288|. 0.855;0.855|. D|D 0.92137|0.92137 0.5717|0.5717 10|5 0.72032|. D|. 0.01|. -21.5941|-21.5941 13.051|13.051 0.58954|0.58954 1.0:0.0:0.0:0.0|1.0:0.0:0.0:0.0 .|. 215;214|. Q9GZU7;C9IYG0|. CTDS1_HUMAN;.|. R|V 214;215|208;216 ENSP00000392248:H214R;ENSP00000273062:H215R|. ENSP00000273062:H215R|. H|I +|+ 2|1 0|0 CTDSP1|CTDSP1 218976371|218976371 1.000000|1.000000 0.71417|0.71417 1.000000|1.000000 0.80357|0.80357 0.763000|0.763000 0.43281|0.43281 9.273000|9.273000 0.95719|0.95719 1.724000|1.724000 0.51502|0.51502 0.402000|0.402000 0.26972|0.26972 CAT|ATC CTDSP1-001 KNOWN basic|appris_principal|CCDS protein_coding protein_coding OTTHUMT00000256774.1 42.755984 0 -10 36 0 0 1 0 NM_182642, NM_021198 14 43.327669 24 0.368421 GNA11 2767 hg19 19 3118942 3118942 + Missense_Mutation SNP A A T TCGA-VD-AA8P-01A-11D-A39W-08 TCGA-VD-AA8P-10A-01D-A39Z-08 Unknown Untested Somatic Phase_I WXS none Illumina GAIIx 5e4ed9fe-6d1c-495a-8ae6-ade952d0fec2 9c561355-ff26-452d-9ed3-870d5a6fdb1e g.chr19:3118942A>T ENST00000078429.4 + 5 868 c.626A>T c.(625-627)cAg>cTg p.Q209L GNA11_ENST00000586180.1_3'UTR|AC005262.3_ENST00000587701.1_RNA NM_002067.2 NP_002058.2 P29992 GNA11_HUMAN guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha 11 (Gq class) 209 activation of phospholipase C activity by dopamine receptor signaling pathway|G-protein signaling, coupled to cAMP nucleotide second messenger|platelet activation|protein ADP-ribosylation|regulation of action potential cytoplasm|heterotrimeric G-protein complex G-protein beta/gamma-subunit complex binding|G-protein-coupled receptor binding|GTP binding|GTPase activity|signal transducer activity endometrium(2)|eye(132)|kidney(1)|large_intestine(2)|lung(1)|meninges(5)|ovary(1)|prostate(1)|skin(16) 161 Hepatocellular(1079;0.137) UCEC - Uterine corpus endometrioid carcinoma (162;6.79e-05)|OV - Ovarian serous cystadenocarcinoma(105;2.68e-113)|Epithelial(107;1.22e-111)|all cancers(105;5.78e-104)|BRCA - Breast invasive adenocarcinoma(158;0.00141)|STAD - Stomach adenocarcinoma(1328;0.181) GTGGGGGGCCAGCGGTCGGAG 0.612 82 104.0 89.0 94.0 19 3118942 2203 4300 6503 SO:0001583 missense AF493900 CCDS12103.1 19p13.3 2014-02-04 ENSG00000088256 ENSG00000088256 4379 protein-coding gene gene with protein product 139313 """hypocalciuric hypercalcemia 2""" HHC2 1302014, 23802516 Standard NM_002067 Approved FBH, FBH2, FHH2 uc002lxd.3 P29992 OTTHUMG00000180631 ENST00000078429.4:c.626A>T 19.37:g.3118942A>T ENSP00000078429:p.Gln209Leu O15109|Q14350|Q6IB00 ENST00000078429.4 37 CCDS12103.1 . . . . . . . . . . . 15.05 2.718086 0.48622 . . ENSG00000088256 ENST00000078429 D 0.91237 -2.81 3.26 3.26 0.37387 . 0.000000 0.64402 U 0.000006 D 0.96950 0.9004 H 0.99357 4.53 0.80722 D 1 D 0.59767 0.986 D 0.68483 0.958 D 0.96823 0.9605 10 0.87932 D 0 . 10.7338 0.46113 1.0:0.0:0.0:0.0 . 209 P29992 GNA11_HUMAN L 209 ENSP00000078429:Q209L ENSP00000078429:Q209L Q + 2 0 GNA11 3069942 1.000000 0.71417 0.438000 0.26821 0.027000 0.11550 9.104000 0.94239 1.256000 0.44068 0.379000 0.24179 CAG GNA11-001 KNOWN basic|appris_principal|CCDS protein_coding protein_coding OTTHUMT00000452261.2 97.891640 0 -14 67 0 0 1 0 NM_002067 32 98.185519 42 0.432432 FAM13B 0 hg19 5 137288386 137288386 + Missense_Mutation SNP C C A TCGA-VD-AA8P-01A-11D-A39W-08 TCGA-VD-AA8P-10A-01D-A39Z-08 Unknown Untested Somatic Phase_I WXS none Illumina GAIIx 5e4ed9fe-6d1c-495a-8ae6-ade952d0fec2 9c561355-ff26-452d-9ed3-870d5a6fdb1e g.chr5:137288386C>A ENST00000033079.3 - 16 2246 c.1795G>T c.(1795-1797)Gat>Tat p.D599Y FAM13B_ENST00000420893.2_Missense_Mutation_p.D599Y|FAM13B_ENST00000425075.2_Missense_Mutation_p.D503Y NM_016603.2 NP_057687.2 Q9NYF5 FA13B_HUMAN family with sequence similarity 13, member B 599 regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction|small GTPase mediated signal transduction cytosol GTPase activator activity endometrium(4)|kidney(2)|lung(5) 11 GCAGCAATATCACTGTAGGAG 0.333 0 96.0 101.0 99.0 5 137288386 2203 4300 6503 SO:0001583 missense AF251038 CCDS4195.1, CCDS47269.1, CCDS47270.1 5q31 2011-09-07 2009-01-20 2009-01-20 ENSG00000031003 ENSG00000031003 """Rho GTPase activating proteins""" 1335 protein-coding gene gene with protein product 609371 """chromosome 5 open reading frame 5"", ""family with sequence similarity 13, member B1""" C5orf5, FAM13B1 11087669, 11161817 Standard NM_016603 Approved N61, KHCHP, ARHGAP49 uc003lbz.2 Q9NYF5 OTTHUMG00000129202 ENST00000033079.3:c.1795G>T 5.37:g.137288386C>A ENSP00000033079:p.Asp599Tyr D3DQB5|G3V0H9|Q3ZCR0|Q6PGQ2|Q9P0I7 ENST00000033079.3 37 CCDS4195.1 . . . . . . . . . . C 26.2 4.716476 0.89205 . . ENSG00000031003 ENST00000033079;ENST00000425075;ENST00000420893 D;T;D 0.95756 -3.8;0.53;-3.8 6.05 6.05 0.98169 . 0.048468 0.85682 D 0.000000 D 0.97892 0.9307 M 0.82056 2.57 0.80722 D 1 D;D;D 0.89917 1.0;1.0;1.0 D;D;D 0.97110 1.0;0.999;0.999 D 0.98027 1.0374 10 0.87932 D 0 -16.9519 20.2037 0.98272 0.0:1.0:0.0:0.0 . 503;599;599 G3V0H9;Q9NYF5-2;Q9NYF5 .;.;FA13B_HUMAN Y 599;503;599 ENSP00000033079:D599Y;ENSP00000394669:D503Y;ENSP00000388521:D599Y ENSP00000033079:D599Y D - 1 0 FAM13B 137316285 1.000000 0.71417 1.000000 0.80357 0.981000 0.71138 6.784000 0.75084 2.866000 0.98385 0.650000 0.86243 GAT FAM13B-001 KNOWN basic|appris_principal|CCDS protein_coding protein_coding OTTHUMT00000251279.1 148.323741 1 30 152 0 1.51926e-22 1 1.51926e-22 42 155.446364 3 0.933333 RAB33A 9363 hg19 X 129318341 129318341 + Missense_Mutation SNP T T C TCGA-VD-AA8P-01A-11D-A39W-08 TCGA-VD-AA8P-10A-01D-A39Z-08 Unknown Untested Somatic Phase_I WXS none Illumina GAIIx 5e4ed9fe-6d1c-495a-8ae6-ade952d0fec2 9c561355-ff26-452d-9ed3-870d5a6fdb1e g.chrX:129318341T>C ENST00000257017.4 + 2 755 c.341T>C c.(340-342)gTc>gCc p.V114A NM_004794.2 NP_004785.1 Q14088 RB33A_HUMAN RAB33A, member RAS oncogene family 114 protein transport|small GTPase mediated signal transduction plasma membrane GTP binding|GTPase activity|protein binding breast(1)|haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue(1)|kidney(2)|large_intestine(2)|lung(5) 11 CATGCCGTGGTCTTCGTCTAT 0.502 0 162.0 122.0 135.0 X 129318341 2203 4300 6503 SO:0001583 missense D14889 CCDS14621.1 Xq26 2008-02-05 ENSG00000134594 ENSG00000134594 """RAB, member RAS oncogene""" 9773 protein-coding gene gene with protein product 300333 7688322, 9512502 Standard NM_004794 Approved RabS10 uc004evl.3 Q14088 OTTHUMG00000022391 ENST00000257017.4:c.341T>C X.37:g.129318341T>C ENSP00000257017:p.Val114Ala Q5JUZ6|Q92465 ENST00000257017.4 37 CCDS14621.1 . . . . . . . . . . T 22.5 4.298518 0.81025 . . ENSG00000134594 ENST00000257017 D 0.81996 -1.56 4.71 4.71 0.59529 Small GTP-binding protein domain (1); 0.000000 0.85682 D 0.000000 D 0.89753 0.6806 M 0.69523 2.12 0.80722 D 1 D 0.76494 0.999 D 0.79784 0.993 D 0.90910 0.4775 10 0.87932 D 0 -19.3113 13.6381 0.62233 0.0:0.0:0.0:1.0 . 114 Q14088 RB33A_HUMAN A 114 ENSP00000257017:V114A ENSP00000257017:V114A V + 2 0 RAB33A 129146022 1.000000 0.71417 1.000000 0.80357 0.976000 0.68499 7.997000 0.88414 1.663000 0.50791 0.350000 0.21858 GTC RAB33A-001 KNOWN basic|appris_principal|CCDS protein_coding protein_coding OTTHUMT00000058246.1 73.718073 0 -9 48 0 0 1 0 NM_004794 23 74.038824 32 0.418182 ZNF446 55663 hg19 19 58991009 58991009 + Splice_Site SNP G G C TCGA-VD-AA8P-01A-11D-A39W-08 TCGA-VD-AA8P-10A-01D-A39Z-08 Unknown Untested Somatic Phase_I WXS none Illumina GAIIx 5e4ed9fe-6d1c-495a-8ae6-ade952d0fec2 9c561355-ff26-452d-9ed3-870d5a6fdb1e g.chr19:58991009G>C ENST00000596341.1 + 5 2847 c.e5-1 ZNF446_ENST00000335841.4_Intron|ZNF446_ENST00000594369.1_Splice_Site Q9NWS9 ZN446_HUMAN zinc finger protein 446 viral reproduction nucleus DNA binding|sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity|zinc ion binding endometrium(2)|large_intestine(1)|lung(3)|ovary(1)|skin(1) 8 all_cancers(17;1.81e-17)|all_epithelial(17;1.21e-12)|Lung NSC(17;2.8e-05)|all_lung(17;0.000139)|Colorectal(82;0.000147)|Renal(17;0.00528)|all_neural(62;0.0133)|Ovarian(87;0.156)|Medulloblastoma(540;0.232) UCEC - Uterine corpus endometrioid carcinoma (67;0.168)|GBM - Glioblastoma multiforme(193;0.0164)|Lung(386;0.179) CACATCCGCAGGAGGAGTGGG 0.582 1 93.0 78.0 83.0 19 58991009 2203 4300 6503 SO:0001630 splice_region_variant CCDS12982.1 19q13.43 2013-01-09 ENSG00000083838 """Zinc fingers, C2H2-type"", ""-"", ""-"", ""-""" 21036 protein-coding gene gene with protein product Standard NM_017908 Approved ZKSCAN20, FLJ20626, ZSCAN52 uc002qsz.3 Q9NWS9 ENST00000594369.1:c.628-1G>C 19.37:g.58991009G>C ENST00000594369.1 37 CCDS12982.1 . . . . . . . . . . G 16.47 3.131978 0.56828 . . ENSG00000083838 ENST00000335841;ENST00000540481;ENST00000391694 . . . 4.35 4.35 0.52113 . . . . . . . . . . . 0.80722 D 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.5628 0.56293 0.0:0.0:1.0:0.0 . . . . . -1 . . . + . . ZNF446 63682821 1.000000 0.71417 1.000000 0.80357 0.882000 0.50991 2.745000 0.47459 2.423000 0.82170 0.561000 0.74099 . ZNF446-001 KNOWN basic|appris_candidate_longest|CCDS protein_coding protein_coding OTTHUMT00000467052.1 24.026209 0 -9 11 0 0 1 0 NM_017908 7 24.042947 6 0.538462 OSGIN1 29948 hg19 16 83999242 83999242 + Missense_Mutation SNP A A G TCGA-VD-AA8P-01A-11D-A39W-08 TCGA-VD-AA8P-10A-01D-A39Z-08 Unknown Untested Somatic Phase_I WXS none Illumina GAIIx 5e4ed9fe-6d1c-495a-8ae6-ade952d0fec2 9c561355-ff26-452d-9ed3-870d5a6fdb1e g.chr16:83999242A>G ENST00000343939.2 + 7 1696 c.1313A>G c.(1312-1314)tAt>tGt p.Y438C OSGIN1_ENST00000361711.3_Missense_Mutation_p.Y355C|OSGIN1_ENST00000393306.1_Missense_Mutation_p.Y355C Q9UJX0 OSGI1_HUMAN oxidative stress induced growth inhibitor 1 438 cell differentiation|multicellular organismal development|negative regulation of cell growth growth factor activity autonomic_ganglia(1)|large_intestine(1)|lung(7)|prostate(2)|upper_aerodigestive_tract(1) 12 CCCAGCCCCTATGAGGGTTAC 0.617 0 87.0 79.0 82.0 16 83999242 2200 4300 6500 SO:0001583 missense AY258066 CCDS10939.1 16q23.3 2010-11-23 ENSG00000140961 ENSG00000140961 30093 protein-coding gene gene with protein product """bone marrow stromal cell-derived growth inhibitor"", ""pregnancy induced growth inhibitor""" 607975 11459809, 14570898 Standard NM_182981 Approved BDGI, OKL38 uc002fhc.3 Q9UJX0 OTTHUMG00000137640 ENST00000361711.3:c.1064A>G 16.37:g.83999242A>G ENSP00000355374:p.Tyr355Cys Q52M33|Q86UQ1|Q96S88|Q9BZ70 ENST00000361711.3 37 CCDS10939.1 . . . . . . . . . . A 16.91 3.253680 0.59212 . . ENSG00000140961 ENST00000343939;ENST00000361711;ENST00000393306 T;T;T 0.48201 0.82;0.82;0.82 4.8 3.65 0.41850 . 0.125086 0.56097 D 0.000023 T 0.59252 0.2180 M 0.64997 1.995 0.80722 D 1 D 0.89917 1.0 D 0.64042 0.921 T 0.59182 -0.7502 10 0.42905 T 0.14 -24.9902 10.0644 0.42295 0.85:0.0:0.0:0.1499 . 438 Q9UJX0 OSGI1_HUMAN C 438;355;355 ENSP00000343376:Y438C;ENSP00000355374:Y355C;ENSP00000376983:Y355C ENSP00000343376:Y438C Y + 2 0 OSGIN1 82556743 1.000000 0.71417 1.000000 0.80357 0.789000 0.44602 5.901000 0.69861 1.794000 0.52575 0.383000 0.25322 TAT OSGIN1-003 KNOWN alternative_5_UTR|basic|appris_principal|CCDS protein_coding protein_coding OTTHUMT00000432616.1 60.160568 0 -22 33 0 0 1 0 NM_013370 18 60.221462 15 0.545455 TWF2 11344 hg19 3 52263159 52263159 + Missense_Mutation SNP G G C TCGA-VD-AA8P-01A-11D-A39W-08 TCGA-VD-AA8P-10A-01D-A39Z-08 Unknown Untested Somatic Phase_I WXS none Illumina GAIIx 5e4ed9fe-6d1c-495a-8ae6-ade952d0fec2 9c561355-ff26-452d-9ed3-870d5a6fdb1e g.chr3:52263159G>C ENST00000305533.5 - 9 1184 c.941C>G c.(940-942)cCc>cGc p.P314R TWF2_ENST00000499914.2_3'UTR|TLR9_ENST00000494383.1_Intron|TLR9_ENST00000597542.1_Intron NM_007284.3 NP_009215.1 twinfilin actin-binding protein 2 breast(1)|central_nervous_system(1)|kidney(1)|large_intestine(3)|lung(6)|ovary(1)|stomach(1)|urinary_tract(1) 15 BRCA - Breast invasive adenocarcinoma(193;2.43e-05)|Kidney(197;0.000539)|KIRC - Kidney renal clear cell carcinoma(197;0.000716) GTGTTGCTTGGGGTGCACCTC 0.642 0 119.0 106.0 110.0 3 52263159 2203 4300 6503 SO:0001583 missense Y17169 CCDS2849.1 3p21.1 2013-04-25 2013-04-25 2006-11-13 ENSG00000247596 ENSG00000247596 9621 protein-coding gene gene with protein product 607433 """protein tyrosine kinase 9-like (A6-related protein)"", ""PTK9L protein tyrosine kinase 9-like (A6-related protein)"", ""twinfilin, actin-binding protein, homolog 2 (Drosophila)""" PTK9L 10406962, 12807912 Standard NM_007284 Approved A6RP, A6r Q6IBS0 OTTHUMG00000158105 ENST00000305533.5:c.941C>G 3.37:g.52263159G>C ENSP00000303908:p.Pro314Arg Q9Y3F5 ENST00000305533.5 37 CCDS2849.1 . . . . . . . . . . G 23.7 4.442530 0.83993 . . ENSG00000247596 ENST00000305533 T 0.31769 1.48 5.04 4.16 0.48862 . . . . . T 0.59838 0.2223 M 0.86864 2.845 0.80722 D 1 D 0.89917 1.0 D 0.97110 1.0 T 0.67538 -0.5645 9 0.87932 D 0 . 13.3672 0.60692 0.0764:0.0:0.9236:0.0 . 314 Q6IBS0 TWF2_HUMAN R 314 ENSP00000303908:P314R ENSP00000303908:P314R P - 2 0 TWF2 52238199 1.000000 0.71417 1.000000 0.80357 0.997000 0.91878 9.824000 0.99380 1.120000 0.41904 0.561000 0.74099 CCC TWF2-001 KNOWN basic|appris_principal|CCDS protein_coding protein_coding OTTHUMT00000350199.2 94.573558 0 -14 92 0 0 1 0 29 98.796310 2 0.935484 DCAF8L2 347442 hg19 X 27766141 27766141 + Missense_Mutation SNP G G A TCGA-VD-AA8P-01A-11D-A39W-08 TCGA-VD-AA8P-10A-01D-A39Z-08 Unknown Untested Somatic Phase_I WXS none Illumina GAIIx 5e4ed9fe-6d1c-495a-8ae6-ade952d0fec2 9c561355-ff26-452d-9ed3-870d5a6fdb1e g.chrX:27766141G>A ENST00000451261.2 + 5 1528 c.1129G>A c.(1129-1131)Gcc>Acc p.A377T NM_001136533.1 NP_001130005.1 DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 8-like 2 central_nervous_system(1)|endometrium(9)|kidney(3)|lung(7)|pancreas(1)|skin(3) 24 TGTGAATCCCGCCAATACCTA 0.408 0 107.0 80.0 89.0 X 27766141 692 1591 2283 SO:0001583 missense CCDS59162.1 Xp22.11 2013-01-09 2009-07-17 2009-07-17 ENSG00000189186 """WD repeat domain containing""" 31811 protein-coding gene gene with protein product """WD repeat domain 42C""" WDR42C Standard NM_001136533 Approved uc011mjy.2 P0C7V8 ENST00000451261.2:c.1129G>A X.37:g.27766141G>A ENSP00000462745:p.Ala377Thr B2RXH9|J3KT06 ENST00000451261.2 37 CCDS59162.1 DCAF8L2-001 KNOWN basic|appris_principal|CCDS protein_coding protein_coding OTTHUMT00000056143.4 -0.507307 0 4 62 0 0 1 0 XM_293354 3 7.172112 38 0.073171 C8orf31 286122 hg19 8 144124604 144124604 + Silent SNP G G A TCGA-VD-AA8P-01A-11D-A39W-08 TCGA-VD-AA8P-10A-01D-A39Z-08 Unknown Untested Somatic Phase_I WXS none Illumina GAIIx 5e4ed9fe-6d1c-495a-8ae6-ade952d0fec2 9c561355-ff26-452d-9ed3-870d5a6fdb1e g.chr8:144124604G>A ENST00000395172.1 + 3 463 c.111G>A c.(109-111)ggG>ggA p.G37G C8orf31_ENST00000517653.1_3'UTR NM_173687.2 NP_775958.1 Q8N9H6 CH031_HUMAN chromosome 8 open reading frame 31 37 breast(1)|kidney(1)|large_intestine(3)|lung(4)|ovary(1) 10 all_cancers(97;1.89e-10)|all_epithelial(106;8.73e-09)|Lung NSC(106;0.000161)|all_lung(105;0.000447)|Ovarian(258;0.0254)|Acute lymphoblastic leukemia(118;0.155) GGGCCCAGGGGCTGCTGGCTG 0.642 0 36.0 39.0 38.0 8 144124604 2203 4300 6503 SO:0001819 synonymous_variant CCDS6395.1 8q24.3 2012-04-11 ENSG00000177335 ENSG00000177335 26731 protein-coding gene gene with protein product Standard NM_173687 Approved FLJ37131 uc003yxp.1 Q8N9H6 OTTHUMG00000164771 ENST00000395172.1:c.111G>A 8.37:g.144124604G>A Q6GMU7 ENST00000395172.1 37 CCDS6395.1 C8orf31-003 KNOWN basic|appris_principal|CCDS protein_coding protein_coding OTTHUMT00000380167.1 73.929014 0 -1 20 0 0 1 0 NM_173687 23 74.203306 16 0.589744 TMEM2 23670 hg19 9 74324303 74324303 + Missense_Mutation SNP T T C TCGA-VD-AA8P-01A-11D-A39W-08 TCGA-VD-AA8P-10A-01D-A39Z-08 Unknown Untested Somatic Phase_I WXS none Illumina GAIIx 5e4ed9fe-6d1c-495a-8ae6-ade952d0fec2 9c561355-ff26-452d-9ed3-870d5a6fdb1e g.chr9:74324303T>C ENST00000377044.4 - 17 3396 c.2857A>G c.(2857-2859)Att>Gtt p.I953V TMEM2_ENST00000377066.5_Missense_Mutation_p.I890V NM_001135820.1|NM_013390.2 NP_001129292.1|NP_037522.1 Q9UHN6 TMEM2_HUMAN transmembrane protein 2 953 integral to membrane central_nervous_system(1)|endometrium(6)|kidney(3)|large_intestine(15)|liver(1)|lung(19)|ovary(2)|prostate(5)|skin(1)|stomach(1)|urinary_tract(2) 56 all_epithelial(88;4.56e-14)|Myeloproliferative disorder(762;0.0255) GBM - Glioblastoma multiforme(74;7.45e-21)|OV - Ovarian serous cystadenocarcinoma(323;1.02e-16) GAGCCATCAATGTCATGGAAT 0.448 0 219.0 184.0 195.0 9 74324303 2203 4300 6503 SO:0001583 missense CCDS6638.1, CCDS47979.1 9q21.13 2011-07-19 ENSG00000135048 ENSG00000135048 11869 protein-coding gene gene with protein product 605835 Standard NM_013390 Approved uc011lsa.1 Q9UHN6 OTTHUMG00000020000 ENST00000377044.4:c.2857A>G 9.37:g.74324303T>C ENSP00000366243:p.Ile953Val A6H8W9|B2RTQ6|Q5T838|Q5T839|Q5T840|Q5T841|Q8NBP6|Q9P2D5 ENST00000377044.4 37 CCDS6638.1 . . . . . . . . . . T 0.803 -0.754578 0.03041 . . ENSG00000135048 ENST00000377044;ENST00000377066;ENST00000377043 T;T;T 0.42900 0.96;0.96;0.96 5.67 -5.47 0.02600 Pectin lyase fold/virulence factor (1); 0.901261 0.09718 N 0.764883 T 0.08758 0.0217 N 0.00224 -1.81 0.09310 N 0.999997 B;B 0.02656 0.0;0.0 B;B 0.01281 0.0;0.0 T 0.44034 -0.9354 10 0.02654 T 1 . 13.5683 0.61832 0.0:0.6285:0.1083:0.2632 . 953;890 Q9UHN6;Q9UHN6-2 TMEM2_HUMAN;. V 953;890;54 ENSP00000366243:I953V;ENSP00000366266:I890V;ENSP00000366242:I54V ENSP00000366242:I54V I - 1 0 TMEM2 73514123 0.000000 0.05858 0.001000 0.08648 0.904000 0.53231 -1.121000 0.03270 -0.943000 0.03691 -0.479000 0.04858 ATT TMEM2-001 KNOWN basic|appris_principal|CCDS protein_coding protein_coding OTTHUMT00000052618.2 82.986282 0 -9 70 0 0 1 0 NM_013390 28 83.113316 34 0.451613 CDH4 1002 hg19 20 60470052 60470065 + Frame_Shift_Del DEL CATCACGGTGACAG CATCACGGTGACAG - rs149375024 by1000genomes TCGA-VD-AA8P-01A-11D-A39W-08 TCGA-VD-AA8P-10A-01D-A39Z-08 Unknown Untested Somatic Phase_I WXS none Illumina GAIIx 5e4ed9fe-6d1c-495a-8ae6-ade952d0fec2 9c561355-ff26-452d-9ed3-870d5a6fdb1e g.chr20:60470052_60470065delCATCACGGTGACAG ENST00000360469.5 + 8 1225_1238 c.1137_1150delCATCACGGTGACAG c.(1135-1152)atcatcacggtgacagatfs p.ITVTD380fs CDH4_ENST00000543233.1_Frame_Shift_Del_p.ITVTD306fs NM_001794.3 NP_001785.2 P55283 CADH4_HUMAN cadherin 4, type 1, R-cadherin (retinal) 380 Cadherin 2. adherens junction organization|cell junction assembly calcium ion binding NS(2)|breast(2)|cervix(1)|endometrium(9)|haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue(1)|kidney(3)|large_intestine(17)|liver(2)|lung(25)|ovary(2)|prostate(1)|skin(7)|upper_aerodigestive_tract(1)|urinary_tract(1) 74 BRCA - Breast invasive adenocarcinoma(19;2.36e-08) CCACAGCCATCATCACGGTGACAGATGTGAATGA 0.547 0 SO:0001589 frameshift_variant L34059 CCDS13488.1, CCDS58784.1 20q13.3 2010-01-26 ENSG00000179242 ENSG00000179242 """Cadherins / Major cadherins""" 1763 protein-coding gene gene with protein product """R-Cadherin""" 603006 10191097, 10516427 Standard NM_001794 Approved uc002ybn.2 P55283 OTTHUMG00000032890 ENST00000360469.5:c.1137_1150delCATCACGGTGACAG 20.37:g.60470052_60470065delCATCACGGTGACAG ENSP00000353656:p.Ile380fs B3KWB8|G3V1P8|Q2M208|Q5VZ44|Q9BZ05 ENST00000360469.5 37 CCDS13488.1 CDH4-001 KNOWN basic|appris_principal|CCDS protein_coding protein_coding OTTHUMT00000079965.2 . . -33 127 NM_001794 28 73 0.28