Hugo_Symbol Entrez_Gene_Id Center NCBI_Build Chromosome Start_position End_position Strand Variant_Classification Variant_Type Reference_Allele Tumor_Seq_Allele1 Tumor_Seq_Allele2 dbSNP_RS dbSNP_Val_Status Tumor_Sample_Barcode Matched_Norm_Sample_Barcode Match_Norm_Seq_Allele1 Match_Norm_Seq_Allele2 Tumor_Validation_Allele1 Tumor_Validation_Allele2 Match_Norm_Validation_Allele1 Match_Norm_Validation_Allele2 Verification_Status Validation_Status Mutation_Status Sequencing_Phase Sequence_Source Validation_Method Score BAM_file Sequencer Tumor_Sample_UUID Matched_Norm_Sample_UUID Genome_Change Annotation_Transcript Transcript_Strand Transcript_Exon Transcript_Position cDNA_Change Codon_Change Protein_Change Other_Transcripts Refseq_mRNA_Id Refseq_prot_Id SwissProt_acc_Id SwissProt_entry_Id Description UniProt_AApos UniProt_Region GO_Biological_Process GO_Cellular_Component GO_Molecular_Function COSMIC_tissue_types_affected COSMIC_total_alterations_in_gene Tumorscape_Amplification_Peaks Tumorscape_Deletion_Peaks TCGAscape_Amplification_Peaks TCGAscape_Deletion_Peaks ref_context gc_content COSMIC_n_overlapping_mutations ESP_AvgAAsampleReadDepth ESP_AvgEAsampleReadDepth ESP_AvgSampleReadDepth ESP_Chromosome ESP_Position ESP_TotalAAsamplesCovered ESP_TotalEAsamplesCovered ESP_TotalSamplesCovered Ensembl_so_accession Ensembl_so_term HGNC_AccessionNumbers HGNC_CCDSIDs HGNC_Chromosome HGNC_DateModified HGNC_DateNameChanged HGNC_DateSymbolChanged HGNC_EnsemblGeneID HGNC_EnsemblIDsuppliedbyEnsembl HGNC_Genefamilydescription HGNC_HGNCID HGNC_LocusGroup HGNC_LocusType HGNC_NameSynonyms HGNC_OMIMIDsuppliedbyNCBI HGNC_PreviousNames HGNC_PreviousSymbols HGNC_PubmedIDs HGNC_RecordType HGNC_RefSeqsuppliedbyNCBI HGNC_Status HGNC_Synonyms HGNC_UCSCIDsuppliedbyUCSC HGNC_UniProtIDsuppliedbyUniProt HGNC_VEGAIDs HGVS_coding_DNA_change HGVS_genomic_change HGVS_protein_change UniProt_alt_uniprot_accessions annotation_transcript build ccds_id dbNSFP_1000Gp1_AC dbNSFP_1000Gp1_AF dbNSFP_1000Gp1_AFR_AC dbNSFP_1000Gp1_AFR_AF dbNSFP_1000Gp1_AMR_AC dbNSFP_1000Gp1_AMR_AF dbNSFP_1000Gp1_ASN_AC dbNSFP_1000Gp1_ASN_AF dbNSFP_1000Gp1_EUR_AC dbNSFP_1000Gp1_EUR_AF dbNSFP_Ancestral_allele dbNSFP_CADD_phred dbNSFP_CADD_raw dbNSFP_CADD_raw_rankscore dbNSFP_ESP6500_AA_AF dbNSFP_ESP6500_EA_AF dbNSFP_Ensembl_geneid dbNSFP_Ensembl_transcriptid dbNSFP_FATHMM_pred dbNSFP_FATHMM_rankscore dbNSFP_FATHMM_score dbNSFP_GERP_NR dbNSFP_GERP_RS dbNSFP_GERP_RS_rankscore dbNSFP_Interpro_domain dbNSFP_LRT_Omega dbNSFP_LRT_converted_rankscore dbNSFP_LRT_pred dbNSFP_LRT_score dbNSFP_LR_pred dbNSFP_LR_rankscore dbNSFP_LR_score dbNSFP_MutationAssessor_pred dbNSFP_MutationAssessor_rankscore dbNSFP_MutationAssessor_score dbNSFP_MutationTaster_converted_rankscore dbNSFP_MutationTaster_pred dbNSFP_MutationTaster_score dbNSFP_Polyphen2_HDIV_pred dbNSFP_Polyphen2_HDIV_rankscore dbNSFP_Polyphen2_HDIV_score dbNSFP_Polyphen2_HVAR_pred dbNSFP_Polyphen2_HVAR_rankscore dbNSFP_Polyphen2_HVAR_score dbNSFP_RadialSVM_pred dbNSFP_RadialSVM_rankscore dbNSFP_RadialSVM_score dbNSFP_Reliability_index dbNSFP_SIFT_converted_rankscore dbNSFP_SIFT_pred dbNSFP_SIFT_score dbNSFP_SLR_test_statistic dbNSFP_SiPhy_29way_logOdds dbNSFP_SiPhy_29way_logOdds_rankscore dbNSFP_SiPhy_29way_pi dbNSFP_UniSNP_ids dbNSFP_Uniprot_aapos dbNSFP_Uniprot_acc dbNSFP_Uniprot_id dbNSFP_aaalt dbNSFP_aapos dbNSFP_aapos_FATHMM dbNSFP_aapos_SIFT dbNSFP_aaref dbNSFP_cds_strand dbNSFP_codonpos dbNSFP_folddegenerate dbNSFP_genename dbNSFP_hg18_pos1coor dbNSFP_phastCons100way_vertebrate dbNSFP_phastCons100way_vertebrate_rankscore dbNSFP_phastCons46way_placental dbNSFP_phastCons46way_placental_rankscore dbNSFP_phastCons46way_primate dbNSFP_phastCons46way_primate_rankscore dbNSFP_phyloP100way_vertebrate dbNSFP_phyloP100way_vertebrate_rankscore dbNSFP_phyloP46way_placental dbNSFP_phyloP46way_placental_rankscore dbNSFP_phyloP46way_primate dbNSFP_phyloP46way_primate_rankscore dbNSFP_refcodon gencode_transcript_name gencode_transcript_status gencode_transcript_tags gencode_transcript_type gene_type havana_transcript init_n_lod init_t_lod isArtifactMode n_alt_count n_ref_count oxoGCut pox pox_cutoff qox refseq_mrna_id t_alt_count t_lod_fstar t_ref_count tumor_f TEX13A 56157 hg19 X 104463874 104463874 + Missense_Mutation SNP G G A TCGA-VD-A8KH-01A-11D-A39W-08 TCGA-VD-A8KH-10A-01D-A39Z-08 Unknown Untested Somatic Phase_I WXS none Illumina GAIIx 78ae4e14-a80a-4583-91ab-73f3bcb1b6d8 3e620f73-8c2b-40b5-a22e-6abc8f03b8c1 g.chrX:104463874G>A ENST00000372578.3 - 3 1115 c.1004C>T c.(1003-1005)cCg>cTg p.P335L TEX13A_ENST00000372575.1_Missense_Mutation_p.P335L|IL1RAPL2_ENST00000344799.4_Intron|TEX13A_ENST00000413579.1_Silent_p.S334S|IL1RAPL2_ENST00000372582.1_Intron NM_031274.3 NP_112564.1 Q9BXU3 TX13A_HUMAN testis expressed 13A 0 intracellular zinc ion binding large_intestine(5)|ovary(2)|upper_aerodigestive_tract(1) 8 CCTCCCAGTCGGAAGGCAGCT 0.537 0 104.0 99.0 100.0 X 104463874 2150 4248 6398 SO:0001583 missense AF285597 CCDS76005.1 Xq28 2012-04-20 2007-03-13 ENSG00000133149 ENSG00000268629 11735 protein-coding gene gene with protein product 300312 """testis expressed sequence 13A""" 11279525 Standard NM_031274 Approved uc004ema.3 Q9BXU3 OTTHUMG00000022133 ENST00000372578.3:c.1004C>T X.37:g.104463874G>A ENSP00000361659:p.Pro335Leu B1B1G8|Q32NB6 ENST00000372578.3 37 . . . . . . . . . . G 9.010 0.982250 0.18889 . . ENSG00000133149 ENST00000372578;ENST00000372575 . . . 3.01 1.16 0.20824 . . . . . T 0.35913 0.0948 . . . 0.09310 N 1 . . . . . . T 0.36744 -0.9735 5 0.87932 D 0 . 3.0504 0.06167 0.1549:0.0:0.5797:0.2653 . . . . L 335 . ENSP00000361656:P335L P - 2 0 TEX13A 104350530 0.008000 0.16893 0.000000 0.03702 0.001000 0.01503 1.052000 0.30429 0.174000 0.19809 -0.776000 0.03382 CCG TEX13A-001 KNOWN basic protein_coding protein_coding OTTHUMT00000057774.1 0.698932 0 -47 26 0 0 1 0 NM_031274 3 6.527967 31 0.088235 KAL1 3730 hg19 X 8699907 8699907 + Missense_Mutation SNP C C A TCGA-VD-A8KH-01A-11D-A39W-08 TCGA-VD-A8KH-10A-01D-A39Z-08 Unknown Untested Somatic Phase_I WXS none Illumina GAIIx 78ae4e14-a80a-4583-91ab-73f3bcb1b6d8 3e620f73-8c2b-40b5-a22e-6abc8f03b8c1 g.chrX:8699907C>A ENST00000262648.3 - 1 320 c.171G>T c.(169-171)caG>caT p.Q57H NM_000216.2 NP_000207.2 P23352 KALM_HUMAN Kallmann syndrome 1 sequence 57 axon guidance|cell adhesion|cellular component movement extracellular space|plasma membrane|proteinaceous extracellular matrix extracellular matrix structural constituent|heparin binding|serine-type endopeptidase inhibitor activity breast(3)|cervix(1)|endometrium(6)|kidney(1)|large_intestine(6)|liver(1)|lung(6)|ovary(3)|pancreas(1)|skin(3)|urinary_tract(1) 32 TGCGAGTGATCTGCAGGCTCA 0.756 0 9.0 10.0 10.0 X 8699907 2091 4053 6144 SO:0001583 missense CCDS14130.1 Xp22.32 2013-02-11 ENSG00000011201 ENSG00000011201 """WAP four-disulfide core domain containing"", ""Fibronectin type III domain containing""" 6211 protein-coding gene gene with protein product """anosmin-1"", ""WAP four-disulfide core domain 19""" 300836 KAL, ADMLX 11463336 Standard NM_000216 Approved KALIG-1, WFDC19 uc004csf.3 P23352 OTTHUMG00000021107 ENST00000262648.3:c.171G>T X.37:g.8699907C>A ENSP00000262648:p.Gln57His B2RPF8 ENST00000262648.3 37 CCDS14130.1 . . . . . . . . . . c 1.698 -0.502232 0.04261 . . ENSG00000011201 ENST00000262648 T 0.73152 -0.72 3.54 1.68 0.24146 . 0.262685 0.30329 U 0.009869 T 0.38026 0.1025 N 0.04162 -0.26 0.23180 N 0.998162 B 0.02656 0.0 B 0.01281 0.0 T 0.30475 -0.9977 10 0.05620 T 0.96 . 6.4111 0.21692 0.0:0.5508:0.3447:0.1045 . 57 P23352 KALM_HUMAN H 57 ENSP00000262648:Q57H ENSP00000262648:Q57H Q - 3 2 KAL1 8659907 1.000000 0.71417 0.993000 0.49108 0.974000 0.67602 2.116000 0.41930 -0.029000 0.13827 -0.322000 0.08575 CAG KAL1-001 KNOWN basic|appris_principal|CCDS protein_coding protein_coding OTTHUMT00000055692.1 56.091680 1 -17 15 0 3.62473e-10 1 4.25512e-10 NM_000216 17 59.028693 2 0.894737 TTN 7273 hg19 2 179427170 179427170 + Missense_Mutation SNP C C A TCGA-VD-A8KH-01A-11D-A39W-08 TCGA-VD-A8KH-10A-01D-A39Z-08 Unknown Untested Somatic Phase_I WXS none Illumina GAIIx 78ae4e14-a80a-4583-91ab-73f3bcb1b6d8 3e620f73-8c2b-40b5-a22e-6abc8f03b8c1 g.chr2:179427170C>A ENST00000589042.1 - 326 83913 c.83689G>T c.(83689-83691)Ggt>Tgt p.G27897C TTN-AS1_ENST00000585451.1_RNA|TTN_ENST00000591111.1_Missense_Mutation_p.G26256C|TTN_ENST00000342175.6_Missense_Mutation_p.G19024C|TTN-AS1_ENST00000590932.1_RNA|TTN-AS1_ENST00000456053.1_RNA|TTN-AS1_ENST00000438095.1_RNA|TTN-AS1_ENST00000592750.1_RNA|TTN_ENST00000359218.5_Missense_Mutation_p.G18957C|TTN_ENST00000342992.6_Missense_Mutation_p.G25329C|TTN-AS1_ENST00000586831.1_RNA|TTN-AS1_ENST00000592630.1_RNA|TTN-AS1_ENST00000590807.1_RNA|TTN-AS1_ENST00000586707.1_RNA|TTN-AS1_ENST00000591332.1_RNA|TTN_ENST00000460472.2_Missense_Mutation_p.G18832C|TTN-AS1_ENST00000592600.1_RNA|TTN-AS1_ENST00000586452.1_RNA|TTN-AS1_ENST00000592689.1_RNA|TTN-AS1_ENST00000419746.1_RNA NM_001267550.1 NP_001254479.1 Q8WZ42 TITIN_HUMAN titin 26256 Fibronectin type-III 103. ATP binding|nucleic acid binding|protein serine/threonine kinase activity|protein tyrosine kinase activity NS(24)|autonomic_ganglia(1)|breast(64)|central_nervous_system(14)|cervix(14)|endometrium(96)|haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue(16)|kidney(91)|large_intestine(303)|liver(1)|lung(595)|ovary(58)|pancreas(17)|prostate(38)|skin(60)|stomach(29)|upper_aerodigestive_tract(1)|urinary_tract(26) 1448 OV - Ovarian serous cystadenocarcinoma(117;0.023)|Epithelial(96;0.0454)|all cancers(119;0.134) ACCACATAACCAGTAATTTTG 0.443 0 72.0 73.0 72.0 2 179427170 1936 4149 6085 SO:0001583 missense X90568 CCDS54421.1, CCDS54422.1, CCDS54423.1, CCDS54424.1, CCDS33337.1, CCDS59435.1, CCDS74610.1 2q31 2014-09-17 2004-02-13 ENSG00000155657 ENSG00000155657 """Immunoglobulin superfamily / I-set domain containing"", ""Immunoglobulin superfamily / Immunoglobulin-like domain containing"", ""Fibronectin type III domain containing""" 12403 protein-coding gene gene with protein product 188840 """cardiomyopathy, dilated 1G (autosomal dominant)""" CMD1G 2129545, 10051295 Standard NM_003319 Approved CMPD4, FLJ32040, TMD, CMH9, LGMD2J, MYLK5 uc031rqd.1 Q8WZ42 OTTHUMG00000154448 ENST00000589042.1:c.83689G>T 2.37:g.179427170C>A ENSP00000467141:p.Gly27897Cys A6NKB1|E7EQE6|E7ET18|K7ENY1|Q10465|Q10466|Q15598|Q2XUS3|Q32Q60|Q4U1Z6|Q4ZG20|Q6NSG0|Q6PDB1|Q6PJP0|Q7KYM2|Q7KYN4|Q7KYN5|Q7LDM3|Q7Z2X3|Q8TCG8|Q8WZ42|Q8WZ51|Q8WZ52|Q8WZ53|Q8WZB3|Q92761|Q92762|Q9UD97|Q9UP84|Q9Y6L9 ENST00000589042.1 37 CCDS59435.1 . . . . . . . . . . C 10.58 1.389050 0.25118 . . ENSG00000155657 ENST00000342992;ENST00000460472;ENST00000342175;ENST00000359218;ENST00000356127 T;T;T;T 0.61742 0.08;0.08;0.08;0.08 5.89 5.01 0.66863 Fibronectin, type III (4);Peptidase C2, calpain, large subunit, domain III (1);Ribonuclease H-like (1);Immunoglobulin-like fold (1); . . . . T 0.75867 0.3908 M 0.85630 2.765 0.34300 D 0.684187 D;D;D;D 0.89917 1.0;1.0;1.0;1.0 D;D;D;D 0.72625 0.978;0.978;0.978;0.968 D 0.84632 0.0690 9 0.87932 D 0 . 9.9879 0.41852 0.1388:0.7925:0.0:0.0687 . 18832;18957;19024;26256 D3DPF9;E7EQE6;E7ET18;Q8WZ42 .;.;.;TITIN_HUMAN C 25329;18832;19024;18957;18830 ENSP00000343764:G25329C;ENSP00000434586:G18832C;ENSP00000340554:G19024C;ENSP00000352154:G18957C ENSP00000340554:G19024C G - 1 0 TTN 179135416 1.000000 0.71417 1.000000 0.80357 0.983000 0.72400 2.239000 0.43079 1.473000 0.48159 0.655000 0.94253 GGT TTN-018 PUTATIVE basic|appris_principal|exp_conf|CCDS protein_coding protein_coding OTTHUMT00000450680.2 -3.715808 1 -6 38 0 1 1 1 NM_133378 3 6.406204 47 0.060000 CD160 11126 hg19 1 145706743 145706743 + Missense_Mutation SNP C C A TCGA-VD-A8KH-01A-11D-A39W-08 TCGA-VD-A8KH-10A-01D-A39Z-08 Unknown Untested Somatic Phase_I WXS none Illumina GAIIx 78ae4e14-a80a-4583-91ab-73f3bcb1b6d8 3e620f73-8c2b-40b5-a22e-6abc8f03b8c1 g.chr1:145706743C>A ENST00000369290.1 - 2 173 c.16G>T c.(16-18)Ggc>Tgc p.G6C CD160_ENST00000235933.6_Missense_Mutation_p.G6C|CD160_ENST00000369288.2_Missense_Mutation_p.G6C|CD160_ENST00000401557.3_Missense_Mutation_p.G6C O95971 BY55_HUMAN CD160 molecule 6 cell proliferation|cell surface receptor linked signaling pathway|cellular defense response|regulation of immune response anchored to plasma membrane MHC class I receptor activity|receptor binding endometrium(3)|large_intestine(2)|lung(2) 7 all_hematologic(18;0.00473)|Acute lymphoblastic leukemia(18;0.0786) KIRC - Kidney renal clear cell carcinoma(6;0.0764)|Kidney(552;0.118)|Colorectal(543;0.229) CAGCCTCTGCCGGGTTCCAAC 0.577 0 66.0 62.0 63.0 1 145706743 2203 4300 6503 SO:0001583 missense AF060981 CCDS72861.1 1q21.2 2011-01-25 2006-03-28 ENSG00000117281 ENSG00000117281 """CD molecules""" 17013 protein-coding gene gene with protein product 604463 """CD160 antigen""" 9743336, 9973372 Standard NM_007053 Approved BY55, NK1, NK28 uc001eol.1 O95971 OTTHUMG00000013749 ENST00000369288.2:c.16G>T 1.37:g.145706743C>A ENSP00000358294:p.Gly6Cys ENST00000369288.2 37 CCDS923.1 . . . . . . . . . . C 9.058 0.993681 0.19043 . . ENSG00000117281 ENST00000235933;ENST00000369288;ENST00000369290;ENST00000401557 T;T;T 0.64085 -0.08;-0.08;-0.08 3.68 0.462 0.16695 . 0.204155 0.24654 N 0.036687 T 0.25791 0.0628 L 0.29908 0.895 0.09310 N 1 P;B 0.51351 0.944;0.328 B;B 0.42771 0.397;0.077 T 0.18398 -1.0338 10 0.87932 D 0 -4.0964 2.8773 0.05635 0.2176:0.5364:0.0:0.246 . 6;6 Q5T2V6;O95971 .;BY55_HUMAN C 6 ENSP00000235933:G6C;ENSP00000358294:G6C;ENSP00000385199:G6C ENSP00000235933:G6C G - 1 0 CD160 144418100 0.051000 0.20477 0.068000 0.19968 0.045000 0.14185 0.726000 0.25984 0.369000 0.24510 -0.140000 0.14226 GGC CD160-006 KNOWN basic|appris_principal|CCDS protein_coding protein_coding OTTHUMT00000038532.2 0.197941 1 -6 47 0 1 1 1 NM_007053 3 6.812117 34 0.081081 PPP1R3B 79660 hg19 8 8998589 8998589 + Silent SNP C C T TCGA-VD-A8KH-01A-11D-A39W-08 TCGA-VD-A8KH-10A-01D-A39Z-08 Unknown Untested Somatic Phase_I WXS none Illumina GAIIx 78ae4e14-a80a-4583-91ab-73f3bcb1b6d8 3e620f73-8c2b-40b5-a22e-6abc8f03b8c1 g.chr8:8998589C>T ENST00000310455.3 - 2 723 c.573G>A c.(571-573)acG>acA p.T191T PPP1R3B_ENST00000519699.1_Silent_p.T191T NM_001201329.1|NM_024607.3 NP_001188258.1|NP_078883.2 Q86XI6 PPR3B_HUMAN protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 3B 191 CBM21. glycogen metabolic process endometrium(1)|large_intestine(3)|lung(5)|ovary(1)|prostate(1)|skin(1) 12 COAD - Colon adenocarcinoma(149;0.0717)|READ - Rectum adenocarcinoma(644;0.241) CGAAGGAGAACGTGTCCCTGT 0.483 0 206.0 170.0 182.0 8 8998589 2203 4300 6503 SO:0001819 synonymous_variant AK024067 CCDS5973.1 8p23.1 2012-04-17 2011-10-04 ENSG00000173281 ENSG00000173281 """Serine/threonine phosphatases / Protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunits""" 14942 protein-coding gene gene with protein product """PP1 subunit R4"", ""hepatic glycogen-targeting subunit, G(L)""" 610541 """protein phosphatase 1, regulatory (inhibitor) subunit 3B""" 11948623, 17555403 Standard NM_024607 Approved GL, FLJ14005, PPP1R4 uc003wsn.4 Q86XI6 OTTHUMG00000129329 ENST00000310455.3:c.573G>A 8.37:g.8998589C>T B3KTV3|Q9H812 ENST00000310455.3 37 CCDS5973.1 PPP1R3B-001 KNOWN basic|appris_principal|CCDS protein_coding protein_coding OTTHUMT00000251472.1 112.693498 0 -19 60 0 0 1 0 NM_024607 37 112.820906 44 0.456790 NCOA2 10499 hg19 8 71050447 71050447 + Missense_Mutation SNP C C T TCGA-VD-A8KH-01A-11D-A39W-08 TCGA-VD-A8KH-10A-01D-A39Z-08 Unknown Untested Somatic Phase_I WXS none Illumina GAIIx 78ae4e14-a80a-4583-91ab-73f3bcb1b6d8 3e620f73-8c2b-40b5-a22e-6abc8f03b8c1 g.chr8:71050447C>T ENST00000452400.2 - 15 3330 c.3149G>A c.(3148-3150)aGc>aAc p.S1050N NCOA2_ENST00000267974.4_Missense_Mutation_p.S138N NM_006540.2 NP_006531.1 Q15596 NCOA2_HUMAN nuclear receptor coactivator 2 1050 cellular lipid metabolic process|transcription, DNA-dependent nucleoplasm histone acetyltransferase activity|ligand-dependent nuclear receptor binding|nuclear hormone receptor binding|signal transducer activity NS(1)|breast(4)|endometrium(7)|kidney(4)|large_intestine(10)|lung(25)|ovary(1)|pancreas(2)|prostate(2)|skin(4) 60 Breast(64;0.201) Epithelial(68;0.0147)|OV - Ovarian serous cystadenocarcinoma(28;0.0455)|all cancers(69;0.0606) CCTGTTTTGGCTGGCAAAAGA 0.488 0 77.0 78.0 77.0 8 71050447 1884 4096 5980 SO:0001583 missense X97674 CCDS47872.1 8q13.3 2011-07-01 ENSG00000140396 ENSG00000140396 """Chromatin-modifying enzymes / K-acetyltransferases"", ""Basic helix-loop-helix proteins""" 7669 protein-coding gene gene with protein product 601993 9111344, 8670870 Standard XM_005251128 Approved TIF2, GRIP1, NCoA-2, KAT13C, bHLHe75 uc003xyn.1 Q15596 OTTHUMG00000164671 ENST00000452400.2:c.3149G>A 8.37:g.71050447C>T ENSP00000399968:p.Ser1050Asn Q14CD2 ENST00000452400.2 37 CCDS47872.1 .|. .|. .|. .|. .|. .|. .|. .|. .|. .|. C|C 5.459|5.459 0.269832|0.269832 0.10349|0.10349 .|. .|. ENSG00000140396|ENSG00000140396 ENST00000518363|ENST00000452400;ENST00000267974 .|T;T .|0.06933 .|4.74;3.24 5.88|5.88 0.93|0.93 0.19454|0.19454 .|. .|0.493833 .|0.25383 .|N .|0.031074 T|T 0.02888|0.02888 0.0086|0.0086 N|N 0.03000|0.03000 -0.44|-0.44 0.25544|0.25544 N|N 0.987155|0.987155 .|B;B .|0.02656 .|0.0;0.0 .|B;B .|0.06405 .|0.002;0.0 T|T 0.46610|0.46610 -0.9179|-0.9179 5|10 .|0.07644 .|T .|0.81 .|. 11.1292|11.1292 0.48336|0.48336 0.0:0.4623:0.0:0.5377|0.0:0.4623:0.0:0.5377 .|. .|138;1050 .|F8WAJ2;Q15596 .|.;NCOA2_HUMAN T|N 151|1050;138 .|ENSP00000399968:S1050N;ENSP00000267974:S138N .|ENSP00000267974:S138N A|S -|- 1|2 0|0 NCOA2|NCOA2 71213001|71213001 1.000000|1.000000 0.71417|0.71417 0.994000|0.994000 0.49952|0.49952 0.955000|0.955000 0.61496|0.61496 1.358000|1.358000 0.34102|0.34102 -0.111000|-0.111000 0.12001|0.12001 0.655000|0.655000 0.94253|0.94253 GCC|AGC NCOA2-001 KNOWN basic|appris_principal|CCDS protein_coding protein_coding OTTHUMT00000379696.1 60.539030 0 -10 26 0 0 1 0 19 60.597090 16 0.542857 MYO3B 140469 hg19 2 171356174 171356174 + Missense_Mutation SNP C C T TCGA-VD-A8KH-01A-11D-A39W-08 TCGA-VD-A8KH-10A-01D-A39Z-08 C C . . . . Unknown Untested Somatic Phase_I WXS none Illumina HiSeq 78ae4e14-a80a-4583-91ab-73f3bcb1b6d8 3e620f73-8c2b-40b5-a22e-6abc8f03b8c1 CAAATATTACCATGTTGAGCA 0.398 1 82.0 77.0 78.0 2 171356174 1871 4109 5980 SO:0001583 missense CCDS42773.1, CCDS46446.1 2q31.1-q31.2 2011-09-27 ENSG00000071909 ENSG00000071909 """Myosins / Myosin superfamily : Class III""" 15576 protein-coding gene gene with protein product 610040 Standard NM_001083615 Approved uc002ufy.3 Q8WXR4 OTTHUMG00000154002 ENST00000408978.4:c.3145C>T 2.37:g.171356174C>T ENSP00000386213:p.His1049Tyr B8ZZR2|Q53QE1|Q53T08|Q8IX64|Q8IX65|Q8IX66|Q8IX67|Q8IX68|Q96N94 ENST00000408978.4 37 CCDS42773.1 . . . . . . . . . . C 27.0 4.792220 0.90453 . . ENSG00000071909 ENST00000409044;ENST00000408978;ENST00000317915;ENST00000484338;ENST00000334231 T;T;T;T 0.70986 -0.53;1.56;-0.53;1.56 5.78 5.78 0.91487 Myosin head, motor domain (1); 0.044994 0.85682 D 0.000000 D 0.87172 0.6111 M 0.87381 2.88 0.58432 D 0.999998 D;D;D 0.89917 1.0;0.999;1.0 D;D;D 0.97110 1.0;0.994;0.999 D 0.88290 0.2942 10 0.72032 D 0.01 . 20.0278 0.97529 0.0:1.0:0.0:0.0 . 1049;1049;1049 Q8WXR4-5;Q8WXR4-4;Q8WXR4 .;.;MYO3B_HUMAN Y 1049;1049;1048;1058;1058 ENSP00000386497:H1049Y;ENSP00000386213:H1049Y;ENSP00000446237:H1058Y;ENSP00000335100:H1058Y ENSP00000314213:H1048Y H + 1 0 MYO3B 171064420 1.000000 0.71417 0.997000 0.53966 0.997000 0.91878 7.438000 0.80431 2.732000 0.93576 0.655000 0.94253 CAT MYO3B-004 NOVEL basic|appris_candidate_longest|CCDS protein_coding protein_coding OTTHUMT00000333410.1 -11 37 16 23 URAD 646625 hg19 13 28562757 28562757 + Silent SNP G G A TCGA-VD-A8KH-01A-11D-A39W-08 TCGA-VD-A8KH-10A-01D-A39Z-08 Unknown Untested Somatic Phase_I WXS none Illumina GAIIx 78ae4e14-a80a-4583-91ab-73f3bcb1b6d8 3e620f73-8c2b-40b5-a22e-6abc8f03b8c1 g.chr13:28562757G>A ENST00000332715.5 - 1 34 c.18C>T c.(16-18)gtC>gtT p.V6V NM_001105577.1 NP_001099047.1 ureidoimidazoline (2-oxo-4-hydroxy-4-carboxy-5-) decarboxylase CCATGGAGTTGACCTTCTCAA 0.537 0 93.0 98.0 97.0 13 28562757 2097 4227 6324 SO:0001819 synonymous_variant CCDS45020.1 13q12.2 2014-04-09 2013-06-18 2013-06-18 ENSG00000183463 ENSG00000183463 17785 protein-coding gene gene with protein product """OHCU decarboxylase""" 615804 """parahox cluster neighbor""" PRHOXNB 16462750 Standard NM_001105577 Approved uc010aan.1 A6NGE7 OTTHUMG00000186217 ENST00000332715.5:c.18C>T 13.37:g.28562757G>A ENST00000332715.5 37 CCDS45020.1 URAD-001 KNOWN not_organism_supported|basic|appris_principal|CCDS protein_coding protein_coding OTTHUMT00000472432.1 99.730906 0 -16 72 0 0 1 0 34 100.474889 51 0.400000 NXPH3 11248 hg19 17 47656053 47656053 + Silent SNP G G A TCGA-VD-A8KH-01A-11D-A39W-08 TCGA-VD-A8KH-10A-01D-A39Z-08 Unknown Untested Somatic Phase_I WXS none Illumina GAIIx 78ae4e14-a80a-4583-91ab-73f3bcb1b6d8 3e620f73-8c2b-40b5-a22e-6abc8f03b8c1 g.chr17:47656053G>A ENST00000328741.5 + 2 512 c.150G>A c.(148-150)cgG>cgA p.R50R NXPH3_ENST00000513748.1_Silent_p.R50R NM_007225.2 NP_009156.2 O95157 NXPH3_HUMAN neurexophilin 3 50 II. neuropeptide signaling pathway extracellular region endometrium(2)|large_intestine(3)|lung(4)|pancreas(1)|skin(2) 12 all_cancers(4;7.45e-14)|Breast(4;1.08e-27)|all_epithelial(4;2.27e-17) CTCGGAAGCGGGGCCACATCT 0.677 0 34.0 38.0 37.0 17 47656053 2203 4298 6501 SO:0001819 synonymous_variant AF043468 CCDS11550.1 17q 2008-07-03 ENSG00000182575 8077 protein-coding gene gene with protein product 604636 9570794 Standard NM_007225 Approved NPH3 uc002ipa.3 O95157 ENST00000513748.1:c.150G>A 17.37:g.47656053G>A Q8NDC3|Q8TBF6|Q9ULR1 ENST00000513748.1 37 NXPH3-002 PUTATIVE basic|exp_conf protein_coding protein_coding OTTHUMT00000365144.1 133.587680 0 -7 55 0 0 1 0 43 134.032821 31 0.581081 PSEN2 5664 hg19 1 227071592 227071592 + Missense_Mutation SNP C C T TCGA-VD-A8KH-01A-11D-A39W-08 TCGA-VD-A8KH-10A-01D-A39Z-08 Unknown Untested Somatic Phase_I WXS none Illumina GAIIx 78ae4e14-a80a-4583-91ab-73f3bcb1b6d8 3e620f73-8c2b-40b5-a22e-6abc8f03b8c1 g.chr1:227071592C>T ENST00000366782.1 + 5 927 c.427C>T c.(427-429)Cgc>Tgc p.R143C PSEN2_ENST00000366783.3_Missense_Mutation_p.R110C|PSEN2_ENST00000422240.2_Missense_Mutation_p.R110C|PSEN2_ENST00000340188.4_Missense_Mutation_p.R110C|PSEN2_ENST00000391872.2_Missense_Mutation_p.R143C P49810 PSN2_HUMAN presenilin 2 (Alzheimer disease 4) 110 amyloid precursor protein catabolic process|anti-apoptosis|apoptosis|beta-amyloid metabolic process|calcium ion transport|induction of apoptosis by extracellular signals|intracellular signal transduction|membrane protein ectodomain proteolysis|membrane protein intracellular domain proteolysis|nerve growth factor receptor signaling pathway|Notch receptor processing|Notch signaling pathway|positive regulation of catalytic activity apical plasma membrane|axon|cell cortex|cell surface|centrosome|ciliary rootlet|dendritic shaft|endoplasmic reticulum membrane|Golgi membrane|growth cone|integral to plasma membrane|kinetochore|lysosomal membrane|membrane raft|mitochondrial inner membrane|neuromuscular junction|neuronal cell body|nuclear inner membrane|perinuclear region of cytoplasm|Z disc aspartic-type endopeptidase activity|protein binding cervix(1)|endometrium(5)|kidney(1)|large_intestine(4)|lung(8)|urinary_tract(1) 20 Prostate(94;0.0771) CAAGTCTGTGCGCTTCTACAC 0.602 0 97.0 88.0 91.0 1 227071592 2203 4300 6503 SO:0001583 missense BC006365 CCDS1556.1, CCDS44324.1 1q42.13 2014-09-17 2014-02-24 ENSG00000143801 ENSG00000143801 9509 protein-coding gene gene with protein product 600759 """Alzheimer disease 4""" AD4 7638621 Standard NM_000447 Approved AD3L, STM2, PS2 uc009xeo.1 P49810 OTTHUMG00000037563 ENST00000366782.1:c.427C>T 1.37:g.227071592C>T ENSP00000355746:p.Arg143Cys A8K8D4|B1AP21|Q96P32 ENST00000366782.1 37 . . . . . . . . . . C 21.4 4.143501 0.77888 . . ENSG00000143801 ENST00000366783;ENST00000340188;ENST00000495488;ENST00000422240;ENST00000366782;ENST00000391872 D;D;D;D;D;D 0.99537 -6.11;-6.11;-6.11;-6.11;-6.11;-6.11 5.49 4.55 0.56014 . 0.043981 0.85682 D 0.000000 D 0.99205 0.9724 L 0.48642 1.525 0.54753 D 0.999989 D;D 0.69078 0.997;0.997 P;P 0.61658 0.892;0.892 D 0.99010 1.0814 10 0.72032 D 0.01 . 13.1833 0.59668 0.2903:0.7097:0.0:0.0 . 110;110 A8K8D4;P49810 .;PSN2_HUMAN C 110;110;110;110;143;143 ENSP00000355747:R110C;ENSP00000339860:R110C;ENSP00000429682:R110C;ENSP00000403737:R110C;ENSP00000355746:R143C;ENSP00000375745:R143C ENSP00000339860:R110C R + 1 0 PSEN2 225138215 1.000000 0.71417 1.000000 0.80357 0.998000 0.95712 3.474000 0.53129 1.274000 0.44362 0.650000 0.86243 CGC PSEN2-002 PUTATIVE basic|exp_conf protein_coding protein_coding OTTHUMT00000091540.1 -16.787620 0 -13 83 0 0 1 0 NM_000447 4 7.439110 101 0.038095 RBM12 10137 hg19 20 34241273 34241273 + Missense_Mutation SNP G G T TCGA-VD-A8KH-01A-11D-A39W-08 TCGA-VD-A8KH-10A-01D-A39Z-08 Unknown Untested Somatic Phase_I WXS none Illumina GAIIx 78ae4e14-a80a-4583-91ab-73f3bcb1b6d8 3e620f73-8c2b-40b5-a22e-6abc8f03b8c1 g.chr20:34241273G>T ENST00000374114.3 - 3 2235 c.1972C>A c.(1972-1974)Ccc>Acc p.P658T CPNE1_ENST00000317677.5_Intron|CPNE1_ENST00000397446.1_Intron|CPNE1_ENST00000317619.3_Intron|CPNE1_ENST00000397442.1_Intron|RBM12_ENST00000374104.3_Missense_Mutation_p.P658T|CPNE1_ENST00000397443.1_Intron|RBM12_ENST00000359646.1_Missense_Mutation_p.P658T|CPNE1_ENST00000352393.4_Intron|CPNE1_ENST00000397445.1_Intron|RP1-309K20.6_ENST00000541176.2_Intron NM_001198838.1|NM_001198840.1|NM_006047.5 NP_001185767.1|NP_001185769.1|NP_006038.2 Q9NTZ6 RBM12_HUMAN RNA binding motif protein 12 658 Gly-rich.|Pro-rich. nucleus nucleotide binding|protein binding|RNA binding breast(3)|endometrium(7)|kidney(1)|large_intestine(3)|lung(14)|ovary(3)|skin(1)|stomach(1)|upper_aerodigestive_tract(2)|urinary_tract(1) 36 Lung NSC(9;0.00608)|all_lung(11;0.00918) BRCA - Breast invasive adenocarcinoma(18;0.00953) CCCACACCGGGCAGTCCCGCA 0.582 0 37.0 39.0 38.0 20 34241273 2203 4300 6503 SO:0001583 missense AJ289772 CCDS13261.1 20q11.21 2013-02-12 ENSG00000244462 ENSG00000244462 """RNA binding motif (RRM) containing""" 9898 protein-coding gene gene with protein product 607179 11435693 Standard NM_006047 Approved HRIHFB2091, KIAA0765, SWAN uc021wcq.1 Q9NTZ6 OTTHUMG00000032350 ENST00000374114.3:c.1972C>A 20.37:g.34241273G>T ENSP00000363228:p.Pro658Thr B3KRU2|E1P5R6|O94865|Q8N3B1|Q9H196 ENST00000374114.3 37 CCDS13261.1 . . . . . . . . . . G 13.17 2.156482 0.38119 . . ENSG00000244462 ENST00000374114;ENST00000359646;ENST00000374104;ENST00000349942 T;T;T 0.19938 2.11;2.11;2.11 4.21 3.25 0.37280 . 0.000000 0.37669 N 0.001982 T 0.13756 0.0333 N 0.19112 0.55 0.80722 D 1 B 0.14805 0.011 B 0.10450 0.005 T 0.06954 -1.0798 10 0.30854 T 0.27 -2.3869 12.9934 0.58634 0.0:0.0:0.8366:0.1634 . 658 Q9NTZ6 RBM12_HUMAN T 658;658;658;457 ENSP00000363228:P658T;ENSP00000352668:P658T;ENSP00000363217:P658T ENSP00000339879:P457T P - 1 0 RBM12 33704687 1.000000 0.71417 0.925000 0.36789 0.026000 0.11368 4.663000 0.61532 1.333000 0.45449 -0.241000 0.12123 CCC RBM12-001 KNOWN basic|appris_principal|CCDS protein_coding protein_coding OTTHUMT00000078894.1 59.514582 1 -12 64 0 4.35082e-09 1 4.89467e-09 NM_006047 21 60.679677 39 0.350000 PDE3A 5139 hg19 12 20766410 20766410 + Missense_Mutation SNP G G A rs150253039 byFrequency TCGA-VD-A8KH-01A-11D-A39W-08 TCGA-VD-A8KH-10A-01D-A39Z-08 Unknown Untested Somatic Phase_I WXS none Illumina GAIIx 78ae4e14-a80a-4583-91ab-73f3bcb1b6d8 3e620f73-8c2b-40b5-a22e-6abc8f03b8c1 g.chr12:20766410G>A ENST00000359062.3 + 3 1085 c.1045G>A c.(1045-1047)Gtc>Atc p.V349I PDE3A_ENST00000544307.1_3'UTR NM_000921.4|NM_001244683.1 NP_000912.3|NP_001231612.1 Q14432 PDE3A_HUMAN phosphodiesterase 3A, cGMP-inhibited 349 lipid metabolic process|platelet activation|signal transduction cytosol|integral to membrane 3',5'-cyclic-AMP phosphodiesterase activity|3',5'-cyclic-GMP phosphodiesterase activity|cGMP-inhibited cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase activity|metal ion binding NS(1)|breast(3)|endometrium(4)|kidney(3)|large_intestine(7)|lung(29)|ovary(4)|skin(3)|upper_aerodigestive_tract(2)|urinary_tract(2) 58 Esophageal squamous(101;0.125) Breast(259;0.134) GGACATCGCCGTCATGGGCGA 0.517 2 94.0 85.0 88.0 12 20766410 2203 4300 6503 SO:0001583 missense CCDS31754.1 12p12.2 2011-04-15 ENSG00000172572 ENSG00000172572 """Phosphodiesterases""" 8778 protein-coding gene gene with protein product 123805 1315035, 10679291 Standard NM_000921 Approved CGI-PDE uc001reh.2 Q14432 OTTHUMG00000168962 ENST00000359062.3:c.1045G>A 12.37:g.20766410G>A ENSP00000351957:p.Val349Ile O60865|Q13348|Q17RD1 ENST00000359062.3 37 CCDS31754.1 1 4.578754578754579E-4 0 0.0 1 0.0027624309392265192 0 0.0 0 0.0 G 29.0 4.967825 0.92855 0.001589 1.16E-4 ENSG00000172572 ENST00000359062 T 0.55413 0.52 5.86 5.86 0.93980 . 3.182960 0.00541 N 0.000228 T 0.78916 0.4359 M 0.71206 2.165 0.58432 D 0.999995 D 0.76494 0.999 D 0.75020 0.985 T 0.62627 -0.6814 10 0.51188 T 0.08 . 20.5632 0.99335 0.0:0.0:1.0:0.0 . 349 Q14432 PDE3A_HUMAN I 349 ENSP00000351957:V349I ENSP00000351957:V349I V + 1 0 PDE3A 20657677 1.000000 0.71417 0.991000 0.47740 0.671000 0.39405 8.848000 0.92172 2.937000 0.99478 0.650000 0.86243 GTC PDE3A-001 KNOWN basic|appris_principal|CCDS protein_coding protein_coding OTTHUMT00000401756.2 -9.364453 0 -24 56 0 0 1 0 4 6.990393 73 0.051948 MMP20 9313 hg19 11 102487572 102487572 + Silent SNP G G C TCGA-VD-A8KH-01A-11D-A39W-08 TCGA-VD-A8KH-10A-01D-A39Z-08 Unknown Untested Somatic Phase_I WXS none Illumina GAIIx 78ae4e14-a80a-4583-91ab-73f3bcb1b6d8 3e620f73-8c2b-40b5-a22e-6abc8f03b8c1 g.chr11:102487572G>C ENST00000260228.2 - 2 357 c.345C>G c.(343-345)ccC>ccG p.P115P RP11-817J15.2_ENST00000542119.1_RNA NM_004771.3 NP_004762.2 O60882 MMP20_HUMAN matrix metallopeptidase 20 115 proteolysis|regulation of enamel mineralization extracellular space|proteinaceous extracellular matrix calcium ion binding|metalloendopeptidase activity|protein binding|zinc ion binding endometrium(1)|kidney(4)|large_intestine(3)|lung(14)|prostate(1)|skin(1)|upper_aerodigestive_tract(1)|urinary_tract(2) 27 all_cancers(8;8.95e-05)|all_epithelial(12;0.00227)|Lung NSC(15;0.139) Acute lymphoblastic leukemia(157;0.000967)|all_hematologic(158;0.0033) Epithelial(9;0.0216)|Lung(13;0.0711)|all cancers(10;0.0889)|LUSC - Lung squamous cell carcinoma(19;0.13) BRCA - Breast invasive adenocarcinoma(274;0.0161) TTTTCCATTTGGGTTCACCAG 0.418 1 96.0 85.0 89.0 11 102487572 2203 4299 6502 SO:0001819 synonymous_variant Y12779 CCDS8318.1 11q22.3 2008-05-22 2008-05-22 ENSG00000137674 7167 protein-coding gene gene with protein product """enamelysin""" 604629 """matrix metalloproteinase 20 (enamelysin)""" 9398237 Standard NM_004771 Approved uc001phc.3 O60882 ENST00000260228.2:c.345C>G 11.37:g.102487572G>C D3DUA8|Q9H3Q0 ENST00000260228.2 37 CCDS8318.1 MMP20-001 KNOWN basic|appris_principal|CCDS protein_coding protein_coding OTTHUMT00000398012.1 53.336514 0 -11 35 0 0 1 0 18 53.470444 23 0.439024 GPATCH8 23131 hg19 17 42477396 42477396 + Silent SNP T T C TCGA-VD-A8KH-01A-11D-A39W-08 TCGA-VD-A8KH-10A-01D-A39Z-08 Unknown Untested Somatic Phase_I WXS none Illumina GAIIx 78ae4e14-a80a-4583-91ab-73f3bcb1b6d8 3e620f73-8c2b-40b5-a22e-6abc8f03b8c1 g.chr17:42477396T>C ENST00000434000.1 - 9 2097 c.1815A>G c.(1813-1815)aaA>aaG p.K605K GPATCH8_ENST00000591680.1_Silent_p.K683K Q9UKJ3 GPTC8_HUMAN G patch domain containing 8 683 intracellular nucleic acid binding|zinc ion binding breast(4)|endometrium(7)|kidney(6)|large_intestine(4)|liver(2)|lung(21)|ovary(3)|prostate(1)|skin(1)|upper_aerodigestive_tract(1) 50 Prostate(33;0.0181) BRCA - Breast invasive adenocarcinoma(366;0.206) GTTTGCTGGATTTTTTGTGCT 0.463 0 216.0 217.0 217.0 17 42477396 2203 4300 6503 SO:0001819 synonymous_variant AB011125 CCDS32666.1 17q21.31 2013-01-28 2006-08-22 2006-12-13 ENSG00000186566 ENSG00000186566 """G patch domain containing""" 29066 protein-coding gene gene with protein product 614396 """KIAA0553""" KIAA0553, GPATC8 9628581 Standard NM_001002909 Approved uc002igw.2 Q9UKJ3 OTTHUMG00000181818 ENST00000591680.1:c.2049A>G 17.37:g.42477396T>C B9EGP9|O60300|Q8TB99 ENST00000591680.1 37 CCDS32666.1 GPATCH8-001 KNOWN basic|appris_principal|CCDS protein_coding protein_coding OTTHUMT00000457797.1 237.151242 0 -57 168 0 0 1 0 NM_001002909 73 237.832328 96 0.431953 SOST 50964 hg19 17 41835968 41835968 + Missense_Mutation SNP G G A TCGA-VD-A8KH-01A-11D-A39W-08 TCGA-VD-A8KH-10A-01D-A39Z-08 Unknown Untested Somatic Phase_I WXS none Illumina GAIIx 78ae4e14-a80a-4583-91ab-73f3bcb1b6d8 3e620f73-8c2b-40b5-a22e-6abc8f03b8c1 g.chr17:41835968G>A ENST00000301691.2 - 1 188 c.142C>T c.(142-144)Ccg>Tcg p.P48S NM_025237.2 NP_079513.1 Q9BQB4 SOST_HUMAN sclerostin 48 negative regulation of BMP signaling pathway|negative regulation of canonical Wnt receptor signaling pathway|negative regulation of ossification|negative regulation of protein complex assembly|negative regulation of Wnt receptor signaling pathway involved in dorsal/ventral axis specification|Wnt receptor signaling pathway heparin binding|protein binding large_intestine(2)|lung(3)|prostate(1) 6 Breast(137;0.00725) UCEC - Uterine corpus endometrioid carcinoma (308;0.177)|BRCA - Breast invasive adenocarcinoma(366;0.0741) TCCAGCTCCGGTGGAGGCTCG 0.607 0 64.0 61.0 62.0 17 41835968 2203 4300 6503 SO:0001583 missense AF326736 CCDS11468.1 17q12-q21 2014-06-28 2010-04-28 ENSG00000167941 13771 protein-coding gene gene with protein product 605740 """sclerosteosis""" 11179006, 11181578 Standard NM_025237 Approved VBCH uc002iec.1 Q9BQB4 ENST00000301691.2:c.142C>T 17.37:g.41835968G>A ENSP00000301691:p.Pro48Ser Q495N9 ENST00000301691.2 37 CCDS11468.1 . . . . . . . . . . G 6.657 0.489703 0.12702 . . ENSG00000167941 ENST00000301691 T 0.75821 -0.97 4.26 4.26 0.50523 . 1.314110 0.04876 N 0.446883 T 0.56093 0.1962 N 0.14661 0.345 0.09310 N 1 B 0.11235 0.004 B 0.09377 0.004 T 0.48670 -0.9015 10 0.07325 T 0.83 -24.0754 7.3891 0.26899 0.0:0.1837:0.6264:0.1899 . 48 Q9BQB4 SOST_HUMAN S 48 ENSP00000301691:P48S ENSP00000301691:P48S P - 1 0 SOST 39191494 0.244000 0.23889 0.008000 0.14137 0.972000 0.66771 1.235000 0.32671 2.207000 0.71202 0.555000 0.69702 CCG SOST-001 KNOWN basic|appris_principal|CCDS protein_coding protein_coding OTTHUMT00000453502.1 93.957856 0 -27 64 0 0 1 0 NM_025237 33 94.564953 48 0.407407 OBSCN 84033 hg19 1 228521350 228521350 + Missense_Mutation SNP G G A TCGA-VD-A8KH-01A-11D-A39W-08 TCGA-VD-A8KH-10A-01D-A39Z-08 G G Unknown Untested Somatic Phase_I WXS none Illumina HiSeq 78ae4e14-a80a-4583-91ab-73f3bcb1b6d8 3e620f73-8c2b-40b5-a22e-6abc8f03b8c1 GCCCACATCCGCATGACTGAC 0.592 0 55.0 60.0 58.0 1 228521350 2115 4229 6344 SO:0001583 missense AJ002535 CCDS1570.2, CCDS58065.1, CCDS59204.1 1q42 2014-09-17 ENSG00000154358 ENSG00000154358 """Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factors"", ""Immunoglobulin superfamily / I-set domain containing"", ""Fibronectin type III domain containing""" 15719 protein-coding gene gene with protein product 608616 11448995, 11814696 Standard NM_001098623 Approved KIAA1556, UNC89, KIAA1639, ARHGEF30 uc001hsq.2 Q5VST9 OTTHUMG00000039772 ENST00000570156.2:c.18794G>A 1.37:g.228521350G>A ENSP00000455507:p.Arg6265His Q2A664|Q5T7G8|Q5T7G9|Q5VSU2|Q86YC7|Q8NHN0|Q8NHN1|Q8NHN2|Q8NHN3|Q8NHN4|Q8NHN5|Q8NHN6|Q8NHN7|Q8NHN8|Q8NHN9|Q96AA2|Q9HCD3|Q9HCL6 ENST00000570156.2 37 CCDS59204.1 . . . . . . . . . . G 9.944 1.218310 0.22373 . . ENSG00000154358 ENST00000284548;ENST00000422127;ENST00000366707;ENST00000366709 T;T;T;T 0.68479 -0.33;-0.33;-0.33;-0.33 5.86 -1.45 0.08828 Immunoglobulin subtype (1);Immunoglobulin I-set (1);Immunoglobulin-like (1);Immunoglobulin-like fold (1); 0.470562 0.20918 N 0.083335 T 0.38348 0.1037 N 0.16862 0.45 0.09310 N 1 B;B 0.10296 0.001;0.003 B;B 0.06405 0.002;0.002 T 0.12630 -1.0540 10 0.15066 T 0.55 . 3.6812 0.08310 0.2763:0.0764:0.4946:0.1527 . 5308;5308 Q5VST9;Q5VST9-3 OBSCN_HUMAN;. H 5308;5308;2942;2427 ENSP00000284548:R5308H;ENSP00000409493:R5308H;ENSP00000355668:R2942H;ENSP00000355670:R2427H ENSP00000284548:R5308H R + 2 0 OBSCN 226587973 0.476000 0.25901 0.018000 0.16275 0.001000 0.01503 0.848000 0.27710 -0.326000 0.08564 -2.034000 0.00421 CGC OBSCN-011 PUTATIVE basic|appris_principal|exp_conf|CCDS protein_coding protein_coding OTTHUMT00000421354.3 -5 16 NM_052843 4 13 MAPK8IP2 23542 hg19 22 51040256 51040256 + Missense_Mutation SNP A A C TCGA-VD-A8KH-01A-11D-A39W-08 TCGA-VD-A8KH-10A-01D-A39Z-08 Unknown Untested Somatic Phase_I WXS none Illumina GAIIx 78ae4e14-a80a-4583-91ab-73f3bcb1b6d8 3e620f73-8c2b-40b5-a22e-6abc8f03b8c1 g.chr22:51040256A>C ENST00000329492.3 + 2 221 c.104A>C c.(103-105)gAa>gCa p.E35A MAPK8IP2_ENST00000442429.2_Missense_Mutation_p.E35A|MAPK8IP2_ENST00000399912.1_5'UTR|MAPK8IP2_ENST00000341339.4_Missense_Mutation_p.E35A NM_012324.3 NP_036456.1 Q13387 JIP2_HUMAN mitogen-activated protein kinase 8 interacting protein 2 35 Asp/Glu-rich (acidic). behavioral fear response|dendrite morphogenesis|MAPKKK cascade|nonassociative learning|positive regulation of anti-apoptosis|regulation of excitatory postsynaptic membrane potential|regulation of JNK cascade|regulation of receptor activity|regulation of synaptic transmission, glutamatergic|signal complex assembly|social behavior cytoplasm|postsynaptic density beta-amyloid binding|kinesin binding|MAP-kinase scaffold activity|protein kinase activator activity|protein kinase binding central_nervous_system(1)|endometrium(1)|kidney(1)|large_intestine(2)|lung(2) 7 all_cancers(38;8.8e-15)|all_epithelial(38;1.12e-12)|all_lung(38;3.07e-05)|Breast(42;6.27e-05)|Lung NSC(38;0.000813)|Ovarian(80;0.0221)|Hepatocellular(38;0.0691)|Lung SC(80;0.113) OV - Ovarian serous cystadenocarcinoma(4;1.28e-70)|Epithelial(4;3.46e-65)|GBM - Glioblastoma multiforme(4;4.83e-06)|Lung(4;0.125)|BRCA - Breast invasive adenocarcinoma(115;0.205)|LUAD - Lung adenocarcinoma(64;0.247) TTTGACGACGAAGATCTGTCT 0.577 0 96.0 100.0 99.0 22 51040256 1976 4147 6123 SO:0001583 missense AL021708 CCDS74886.1 22q13.33 2010-04-06 ENSG00000008735 ENSG00000008735 6883 protein-coding gene gene with protein product """islet-brain 2"", ""JNK-interacting protein 2""" 607755 """PRKM8 interacting protein-like""" PRKM8IPL 10490659 Standard NM_012324 Approved IB2, JIP2 uc003bmy.3 Q13387 OTTHUMG00000150181 ENST00000329492.3:c.104A>C 22.37:g.51040256A>C ENSP00000330572:p.Glu35Ala Q96G62|Q99771|Q9NZ59|Q9UKQ4 ENST00000329492.3 37 . . . . . . . . . . A 25.9 4.683478 0.88639 . . ENSG00000008735 ENST00000329492;ENST00000442429;ENST00000341339 T;T;T 0.69561 0.07;-0.41;0.55 4.75 4.75 0.60458 . 0.062043 0.64402 D 0.000007 T 0.78830 0.4345 M 0.68317 2.08 0.80722 D 1 D 0.76494 0.999 D 0.80764 0.994 T 0.81169 -0.1055 10 0.87932 D 0 . 12.2634 0.54663 1.0:0.0:0.0:0.0 . 35 Q13387 JIP2_HUMAN A 35 ENSP00000330572:E35A;ENSP00000404914:E35A;ENSP00000340015:E35A ENSP00000330572:E35A E + 2 0 MAPK8IP2 49387122 1.000000 0.71417 0.987000 0.45799 0.961000 0.63080 9.101000 0.94219 1.776000 0.52262 0.414000 0.27820 GAA MAPK8IP2-202 KNOWN basic|appris_principal protein_coding protein_coding 51.226052 0 -29 64 0 0 1 0 NM_012324 18 54.134578 47 0.276923 MCM5 4174 hg19 22 35811891 35811891 + Missense_Mutation SNP C C T TCGA-VD-A8KH-01A-11D-A39W-08 TCGA-VD-A8KH-10A-01D-A39Z-08 Unknown Untested Somatic Phase_I WXS none Illumina GAIIx 78ae4e14-a80a-4583-91ab-73f3bcb1b6d8 3e620f73-8c2b-40b5-a22e-6abc8f03b8c1 g.chr22:35811891C>T ENST00000216122.4 + 10 1427 c.1273C>T c.(1273-1275)Cgg>Tgg p.R425W MCM5_ENST00000465557.1_3'UTR|MCM5_ENST00000382011.5_Missense_Mutation_p.R382W NM_006739.3 NP_006730.2 P33992 MCM5_HUMAN minichromosome maintenance complex component 5 425 MCM. cell cycle checkpoint|DNA strand elongation involved in DNA replication|DNA-dependent DNA replication initiation|G1/S transition of mitotic cell cycle|M/G1 transition of mitotic cell cycle|S phase of mitotic cell cycle MCM complex ATP binding|DNA binding|helicase activity|protein binding endometrium(3)|haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue(1)|kidney(1)|large_intestine(7)|lung(13)|ovary(2)|skin(1)|upper_aerodigestive_tract(1) 29 CCCTTCGTCCCGGAATTTCAT 0.592 0 191.0 196.0 195.0 22 35811891 2203 4300 6503 SO:0001583 missense CCDS13915.1 22q13.1-q13.2 2007-04-04 2007-04-04 ENSG00000100297 ENSG00000100297 6948 protein-coding gene gene with protein product 602696 """minichromosome maintenance deficient (S. cerevisiae) 5 (cell division cycle 46)"", ""MCM5 minichromosome maintenance deficient 5, cell division cycle 46 (S. cerevisiae)""" CDC46 8751386, 10591208 Standard NM_006739 Approved uc003anu.4 P33992 OTTHUMG00000150961 ENST00000216122.4:c.1273C>T 22.37:g.35811891C>T ENSP00000216122:p.Arg425Trp O60785|Q14578|Q9BTJ4|Q9BWL8 ENST00000216122.4 37 CCDS13915.1 . . . . . . . . . . C 27.5 4.837041 0.91117 . . ENSG00000100297 ENST00000216122;ENST00000382011;ENST00000444582 T;T 0.14266 2.52;2.52 5.66 4.61 0.57282 . 0.000000 0.85682 D 0.000000 T 0.48409 0.1498 H 0.95365 3.66 0.80722 D 1 D;D;D;D 0.89917 1.0;1.0;1.0;1.0 D;D;D;D 0.91635 0.999;0.999;0.999;0.999 T 0.62374 -0.6868 10 0.87932 D 0 -25.6682 11.9707 0.53062 0.1441:0.7322:0.1237:0.0 . 425;425;382;425 B1AHB0;Q53FG5;B1AHB1;P33992 .;.;.;MCM5_HUMAN W 425;382;334 ENSP00000216122:R425W;ENSP00000371441:R382W ENSP00000216122:R425W R + 1 2 MCM5 34141891 0.803000 0.28956 0.998000 0.56505 0.948000 0.59901 1.567000 0.36407 1.342000 0.45619 0.655000 0.94253 CGG MCM5-001 KNOWN basic|appris_principal|CCDS protein_coding protein_coding OTTHUMT00000320661.3 321.444072 0 -13 199 0 0 1 0 105 322.837172 145 0.420000 SKA3 221150 hg19 13 21746793 21746793 + Nonsense_Mutation SNP A A T TCGA-VD-A8KH-01A-11D-A39W-08 TCGA-VD-A8KH-10A-01D-A39Z-08 Unknown Untested Somatic Phase_I WXS none Illumina GAIIx 78ae4e14-a80a-4583-91ab-73f3bcb1b6d8 3e620f73-8c2b-40b5-a22e-6abc8f03b8c1 g.chr13:21746793A>T ENST00000314759.5 - 2 255 c.131T>A c.(130-132)tTa>tAa p.L44* SKA3_ENST00000400018.3_Nonsense_Mutation_p.L44* NM_145061.5 NP_659498.4 Q8IX90 SKA3_HUMAN spindle and kinetochore associated complex subunit 3 44 cell division|chromosome segregation|mitosis|regulation of microtubule polymerization or depolymerization condensed chromosome outer kinetochore|cytoplasm|spindle microtubule protein binding breast(1)|endometrium(3)|kidney(2)|large_intestine(2)|lung(6)|ovary(1)|prostate(1)|skin(1)|stomach(1)|upper_aerodigestive_tract(1) 19 AAGGTCATATAAAATTCTCAT 0.279 0 31.0 31.0 31.0 13 21746793 2189 4267 6456 SO:0001587 stop_gained AF361358 CCDS31946.1, CCDS53856.1 13q11 2013-01-17 2009-08-19 2009-08-19 ENSG00000165480 ENSG00000165480 20262 protein-coding gene gene with protein product """chromosome 13 open reading frame 3""" C13orf3 19387489, 19289083, 19646878, 19360002 Standard NM_145061 Approved MGC4832, RAMA1 uc001unt.3 Q8IX90 OTTHUMG00000016539 ENST00000400018.3:c.131T>A 13.37:g.21746793A>T ENSP00000382896:p.Leu44* A2A330|A2A331|B2RBY2|Q5VZV5|Q86WR2|Q8NBG1|Q96D22 ENST00000400018.3 37 CCDS53856.1 . . . . . . . . . . A 37 6.110145 0.97291 . . ENSG00000165480 ENST00000314759;ENST00000400018 . . . 5.81 5.81 0.92471 . 0.248786 0.34959 N 0.003558 . . . . . . 0.80722 A 1 . . . . . . . . . . 0.02654 T 1 -7.9471 14.3871 0.66953 1.0:0.0:0.0:0.0 . . . . X 44 . ENSP00000319417:L44X L - 2 0 SKA3 20644793 1.000000 0.71417 0.942000 0.38095 0.772000 0.43724 5.564000 0.67359 2.220000 0.72140 0.482000 0.46254 TTA SKA3-006 KNOWN basic|appris_candidate|exp_conf|CCDS protein_coding protein_coding OTTHUMT00000272913.1 19.218310 0 -6 17 0 0 1 0 NM_145061 7 19.734768 14 0.333333 RND2 8153 hg19 17 41180481 41180481 + Silent SNP G G T TCGA-VD-A8KH-01A-11D-A39W-08 TCGA-VD-A8KH-10A-01D-A39Z-08 Unknown Untested Somatic Phase_I WXS none Illumina GAIIx 78ae4e14-a80a-4583-91ab-73f3bcb1b6d8 3e620f73-8c2b-40b5-a22e-6abc8f03b8c1 g.chr17:41180481G>T ENST00000544533.1 + 5 578 c.471G>T c.(469-471)gtG>gtT p.V157V RND2_ENST00000587250.2_Silent_p.V156V NM_005440.4 NP_005431.1 P52198 RND2_HUMAN Rho family GTPase 2 156 small GTPase mediated signal transduction acrosomal membrane GTP binding|GTPase activity large_intestine(1)|skin(1) 2 Breast(137;0.000717) BRCA - Breast invasive adenocarcinoma(366;0.156) TGGGGGCTGTGTCCTATGTTG 0.587 0 92.0 87.0 88.0 17 41180481 2203 4300 6503 SO:0001819 synonymous_variant X95456 CCDS11452.1 17q21.31 2012-10-02 2005-01-24 2005-01-24 ENSG00000108830 ENSG00000108830 18315 protein-coding gene gene with protein product 601555 """ras homolog gene family, member N""" ARHN Standard XM_005257706 Approved Rho7, RhoN uc002icn.3 P52198 OTTHUMG00000180817 ENST00000587250.2:c.468G>T 17.37:g.41180481G>T A8K2D4|O00690|O00734|Q5U0P6|Q99535 ENST00000587250.2 37 CCDS11452.1 RND2-001 KNOWN basic|appris_candidate|CCDS protein_coding protein_coding OTTHUMT00000453111.2 76.635335 1 -55 64 0 5.8336e-16 1 7.15942e-16 NM_005440 26 77.370722 41 0.388060 SF3B1 23451 hg19 2 198267483 198267483 + Missense_Mutation SNP C C T TCGA-VD-A8KH-01A-11D-A39W-08 TCGA-VD-A8KH-10A-01D-A39Z-08 Unknown Untested Somatic Phase_I WXS none Illumina GAIIx 78ae4e14-a80a-4583-91ab-73f3bcb1b6d8 3e620f73-8c2b-40b5-a22e-6abc8f03b8c1 g.chr2:198267483C>T ENST00000335508.6 - 14 1965 c.1874G>A c.(1873-1875)cGt>cAt p.R625H NM_012433.2 NP_036565.2 O75533 SF3B1_HUMAN splicing factor 3b, subunit 1, 155kDa nuclear mRNA splicing, via spliceosome catalytic step 2 spliceosome|nuclear speck|U12-type spliceosomal complex protein binding NS(35)|breast(10)|central_nervous_system(3)|endometrium(8)|haematopoietic_and_lymphoid_tissue(524)|kidney(4)|large_intestine(10)|lung(19)|ovary(1)|pancreas(4)|prostate(6)|salivary_gland(1)|skin(4)|testis(1)|upper_aerodigestive_tract(1)|urinary_tract(2) 633 OV - Ovarian serous cystadenocarcinoma(117;0.246) TGTTGTGTTACGGACATACTC 0.438 12 95.0 92.0 93.0 2 198267483 2203 4300 6503 SO:0001583 missense AF054284 CCDS33356.1, CCDS46479.1 2q33.1 2014-09-17 2002-08-29 ENSG00000115524 ENSG00000115524 10768 protein-coding gene gene with protein product 605590 """splicing factor 3b, subunit 1, 155kD""" 9585501 Standard XM_005246428 Approved SAP155, SF3b155, PRPF10, Prp10, Hsh155 uc002uue.3 O75533 OTTHUMG00000154447 ENST00000335508.6:c.1874G>A 2.37:g.198267483C>T ENSP00000335321:p.Arg625His E9PCH3 ENST00000335508.6 37 CCDS33356.1 . . . . . . . . . . C 35 5.485860 0.96323 . . ENSG00000115524 ENST00000335508 T 0.74421 -0.84 5.82 5.82 0.92795 Armadillo-like helical (1);Armadillo-type fold (1); 0.053241 0.64402 D 0.000001 D 0.91369 0.7277 H 0.96333 3.805 0.80722 D 1 D 0.89917 1.0 D 0.91635 0.999 D 0.93329 0.6699 10 0.87932 D 0 . 20.0991 0.97865 0.0:1.0:0.0:0.0 . 625 O75533 SF3B1_HUMAN H 625 ENSP00000335321:R625H ENSP00000335321:R625H R - 2 0 SF3B1 197975728 1.000000 0.71417 1.000000 0.80357 0.996000 0.88848 7.728000 0.84847 2.752000 0.94435 0.655000 0.94253 CGT SF3B1-001 KNOWN basic|appris_principal|CCDS protein_coding protein_coding OTTHUMT00000335245.2 69.514775 0 -11 44 0 0 1 0 23 69.904678 33 0.410714 RP11-85G18.6 0 hg19 10 27535505 27535505 + RNA SNP G G A TCGA-VD-A8KH-01A-11D-A39W-08 TCGA-VD-A8KH-10A-01D-A39Z-08 Unknown Untested Somatic Phase_I WXS none Illumina GAIIx 78ae4e14-a80a-4583-91ab-73f3bcb1b6d8 3e620f73-8c2b-40b5-a22e-6abc8f03b8c1 g.chr10:27535505G>A ENST00000574842.1 + 0 255 CCACTGGTCCGTATCCCATTC 0.483 0 10.37:g.27535505G>A ENST00000574842.1 37 RP11-85G18.6-001 KNOWN basic lincRNA lincRNA OTTHUMT00000436904.1 53.742554 0 -17 89 0 0 1 0 18 54.399248 30 0.375000 GNA11 2767 hg19 19 3118942 3118942 + Missense_Mutation SNP A A T TCGA-VD-A8KH-01A-11D-A39W-08 TCGA-VD-A8KH-10A-01D-A39Z-08 Unknown Untested Somatic Phase_I WXS none Illumina GAIIx 78ae4e14-a80a-4583-91ab-73f3bcb1b6d8 3e620f73-8c2b-40b5-a22e-6abc8f03b8c1 g.chr19:3118942A>T ENST00000078429.4 + 5 868 c.626A>T c.(625-627)cAg>cTg p.Q209L GNA11_ENST00000586180.1_3'UTR|AC005262.3_ENST00000587701.1_RNA NM_002067.2 NP_002058.2 P29992 GNA11_HUMAN guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha 11 (Gq class) 209 activation of phospholipase C activity by dopamine receptor signaling pathway|G-protein signaling, coupled to cAMP nucleotide second messenger|platelet activation|protein ADP-ribosylation|regulation of action potential cytoplasm|heterotrimeric G-protein complex G-protein beta/gamma-subunit complex binding|G-protein-coupled receptor binding|GTP binding|GTPase activity|signal transducer activity endometrium(2)|eye(132)|kidney(1)|large_intestine(2)|lung(1)|meninges(5)|ovary(1)|prostate(1)|skin(16) 161 Hepatocellular(1079;0.137) UCEC - Uterine corpus endometrioid carcinoma (162;6.79e-05)|OV - Ovarian serous cystadenocarcinoma(105;2.68e-113)|Epithelial(107;1.22e-111)|all cancers(105;5.78e-104)|BRCA - Breast invasive adenocarcinoma(158;0.00141)|STAD - Stomach adenocarcinoma(1328;0.181) GTGGGGGGCCAGCGGTCGGAG 0.612 82 104.0 89.0 94.0 19 3118942 2203 4300 6503 SO:0001583 missense AF493900 CCDS12103.1 19p13.3 2014-02-04 ENSG00000088256 ENSG00000088256 4379 protein-coding gene gene with protein product 139313 """hypocalciuric hypercalcemia 2""" HHC2 1302014, 23802516 Standard NM_002067 Approved FBH, FBH2, FHH2 uc002lxd.3 P29992 OTTHUMG00000180631 ENST00000078429.4:c.626A>T 19.37:g.3118942A>T ENSP00000078429:p.Gln209Leu O15109|Q14350|Q6IB00 ENST00000078429.4 37 CCDS12103.1 . . . . . . . . . . . 15.05 2.718086 0.48622 . . ENSG00000088256 ENST00000078429 D 0.91237 -2.81 3.26 3.26 0.37387 . 0.000000 0.64402 U 0.000006 D 0.96950 0.9004 H 0.99357 4.53 0.80722 D 1 D 0.59767 0.986 D 0.68483 0.958 D 0.96823 0.9605 10 0.87932 D 0 . 10.7338 0.46113 1.0:0.0:0.0:0.0 . 209 P29992 GNA11_HUMAN L 209 ENSP00000078429:Q209L ENSP00000078429:Q209L Q + 2 0 GNA11 3069942 1.000000 0.71417 0.438000 0.26821 0.027000 0.11550 9.104000 0.94239 1.256000 0.44068 0.379000 0.24179 CAG GNA11-001 KNOWN basic|appris_principal|CCDS protein_coding protein_coding OTTHUMT00000452261.2 81.651164 0 -12 69 0 0 1 0 NM_002067 26 81.668550 24 0.520000 PPP6R2 9701 hg19 22 50874821 50874822 + Frame_Shift_Del DEL CT CT - TCGA-VD-A8KH-01A-11D-A39W-08 TCGA-VD-A8KH-10A-01D-A39Z-08 Unknown Untested Somatic Phase_I WXS none Illumina GAIIx 78ae4e14-a80a-4583-91ab-73f3bcb1b6d8 3e620f73-8c2b-40b5-a22e-6abc8f03b8c1 g.chr22:50874821_50874822delCT ENST00000359139.3 + 14 1936_1937 c.1542_1543delCT c.(1540-1545)cgctggfs p.W515fs PPP6R2_ENST00000216061.5_Frame_Shift_Del_p.W515fs|PPP6R2_ENST00000395744.3_Frame_Shift_Del_p.W515fs|PPP6R2_ENST00000395741.3_Frame_Shift_Del_p.W516fs NM_001242898.1|NM_001242899.1|NM_001242900.1|NM_014678.4 NP_001229827.1|NP_001229828.1|NP_001229829.1|NP_055493.2 O75170 PP6R2_HUMAN protein phosphatase 6, regulatory subunit 2 515 cytoplasm|intracellular membrane-bounded organelle protein binding NS(1)|breast(1)|central_nervous_system(1)|cervix(1)|endometrium(4)|kidney(1)|large_intestine(2)|liver(1)|lung(6)|ovary(2)|skin(1)|urinary_tract(1) 22 GCCGTGGCCGCTGGGAGAGCTT 0.703 0 SO:0001589 frameshift_variant AB014585 CCDS33681.1, CCDS56235.1, CCDS56236.1, CCDS74881.1 22q13.33 2012-04-17 2010-06-28 2010-06-28 ENSG00000100239 ENSG00000100239 """Serine/threonine phosphatases / Protein phosphatase 6, regulatory subunits""" 19253 protein-coding gene gene with protein product 610877 """KIAA0685"", ""SAPS domain family, member 2""" KIAA0685, SAPS2 16769727 Standard NM_014678 Approved dJ579N16.1, SAP190 uc003blc.3 O75170 OTTHUMG00000150199 ENST00000359139.3:c.1542_1543delCT 22.37:g.50874821_50874822delCT ENSP00000352051:p.Trp515fs A6PVG3|B7Z7T3|Q5U5P3|Q7Z2L2|Q7Z5G5|Q7Z731|Q9UGB9 ENST00000359139.3 37 CCDS56236.1 PPP6R2-001 KNOWN basic|appris_candidate|CCDS protein_coding protein_coding OTTHUMT00000316806.1 . . -8 4 NM_014678 2 4 0.33 KIAA0556 23247 hg19 16 27642480 27642480 + Frame_Shift_Del DEL C C - rs138512782 TCGA-VD-A8KH-01A-11D-A39W-08 TCGA-VD-A8KH-10A-01D-A39Z-08 Unknown Untested Somatic Phase_I WXS none Illumina GAIIx 78ae4e14-a80a-4583-91ab-73f3bcb1b6d8 3e620f73-8c2b-40b5-a22e-6abc8f03b8c1 g.chr16:27642480delC ENST00000261588.4 + 5 424 c.405delC c.(403-405)cacfs p.H135fs NM_015202.2 NP_056017.2 O60303 K0556_HUMAN KIAA0556 135 breast(4)|endometrium(7)|kidney(8)|large_intestine(17)|lung(24)|ovary(5)|prostate(3)|skin(3)|stomach(1)|upper_aerodigestive_tract(1)|urinary_tract(3) 76 GAGGATGGCACCAGGTCTGGA 0.527 0 28.0 24.0 25.0 16 27642480 2195 4294 6489 SO:0001589 frameshift_variant AB011128 CCDS32415.1 16p12.1-p11.2 2012-11-30 ENSG00000047578 ENSG00000047578 29068 protein-coding gene gene with protein product 9628581 Standard NM_015202 Approved uc002dow.3 O60303 OTTHUMG00000176780 ENST00000261588.4:c.405delC 16.37:g.27642480delC ENSP00000261588:p.His135fs A7E2C2 ENST00000261588.4 37 CCDS32415.1 KIAA0556-001 KNOWN basic|appris_principal|CCDS protein_coding protein_coding OTTHUMT00000433724.1 . . 7 9 NM_015202 2 4 0.33 SLC12A9 56996 hg19 7 100460341 100460342 + Frame_Shift_Ins INS - - T TCGA-VD-A8KH-01A-11D-A39W-08 TCGA-VD-A8KH-10A-01D-A39Z-08 Unknown Untested Somatic Phase_I WXS none Illumina GAIIx 78ae4e14-a80a-4583-91ab-73f3bcb1b6d8 3e620f73-8c2b-40b5-a22e-6abc8f03b8c1 g.chr7:100460341_100460342insT ENST00000354161.3 + 13 1875_1876 c.1750_1751insT c.(1750-1752)gcafs p.A584fs SLC12A9_ENST00000415287.1_Frame_Shift_Ins_p.A495fs|SLC12A9_ENST00000275729.3_Frame_Shift_Ins_p.A495fs|SLC12A9_ENST00000540482.1_Frame_Shift_Ins_p.A584fs|SLC12A9_ENST00000428758.1_Frame_Shift_Ins_p.A584fs NM_020246.3 NP_064631.2 Q9BXP2 S12A9_HUMAN solute carrier family 12, member 9 584 integral to membrane|plasma membrane cation:chloride symporter activity breast(1)|endometrium(2)|kidney(2)|large_intestine(10)|lung(20)|ovary(1)|skin(3)|stomach(1)|urinary_tract(1) 41 Lung NSC(181;0.041)|all_lung(186;0.0581) GCAGTATGGGGCATGGCTCAGC 0.574 0 SO:0001589 frameshift_variant AF284422 CCDS5707.1, CCDS59068.1, CCDS59069.1 7q22 2013-07-18 2013-07-18 ENSG00000146828 ENSG00000146828 """Solute carriers""" 17435 protein-coding gene gene with protein product """cation-chloride cotransporter-interacting protein""" 10871601, 11239002 Standard NM_020246 Approved CIP1 uc003uwp.4 Q9BXP2 OTTHUMG00000156045 Exception_encountered 7.37:g.100460341_100460342insT ENSP00000275730:p.Ala584fs B7Z740|D6W5X0|D6W5X2|F5H8C2|Q9BWL2|Q9BXP1|Q9BYI0|Q9NQR5 ENST00000354161.3 37 CCDS5707.1 SLC12A9-001 KNOWN basic|appris_principal|CCDS protein_coding protein_coding OTTHUMT00000342837.1 . . 0 70 NM_020246 19 44 0.30