Hugo_Symbol Entrez_Gene_Id Center NCBI_Build Chromosome Start_Position End_Position Strand Variant_Classification Variant_Type Reference_Allele Tumor_Seq_Allele1 Tumor_Seq_Allele2 dbSNP_RS dbSNP_Val_Status Tumor_Sample_Barcode Matched_Norm_Sample_Barcode Match_Norm_Seq_Allele1 Match_Norm_Seq_Allele2 Tumor_Validation_Allele1 Tumor_Validation_Allele2 Match_Norm_Validation_Allele1 Match_Norm_Validation_Allele2 Verification_Status Validation_Status Mutation_Status Sequencing_Phase Sequence_Source Validation_Method Score BAM_File Sequencer Tumor_Sample_UUID Matched_Norm_Sample_UUID chromosome_name start stop reference variant type gene_name transcript_name transcript_species transcript_source transcript_version strand transcript_status trv_type c_position amino_acid_change ucsc_cons domain all_domains deletion_substructures transcript_error NormalRefReads_WU NormalVarReads_WU NormalVAF_WU TumorRefReads_WU TumorVarReads_WU TumorVAF_WU RNARefReads_WU RNAVarReads_WU RNAVAF_WU STAG2 0 36 X 123027969 123027969 + Splice_Site SNP T T C TCGA-AB-2913-03A-01W-0732-08 TCGA-AB-2913-11A-01W-0732-08 T T T C T T Verified Valid Somatic Phase_IV WXS Hybrid_Capture_Illumina_Seq 1 dbGAP Illumina HiSeq 8efe9ea1-d3b2-4fe0-a602-d91c6fdedeb4 7543443c-c06e-445e-a2bd-aae43484175a X 123027969 123027969 T C SNP STAG2 NM_001042749.1 human genbank 54_36p +1 validated splice_site c.2265+2 e21+2 1.000 - - - no_errors 63 2 3.08 11 64 85.33 0 100 100.00 ATP2B2 0 36 3 10362072 10362072 + Missense_Mutation SNP G G A TCGA-AB-2913-03A-01W-0732-08 TCGA-AB-2913-11A-01W-0732-08 G G G A G G Verified Valid Somatic Phase_IV WXS Hybrid_Capture_Illumina_Seq 1 dbGAP Illumina HiSeq 8efe9ea1-d3b2-4fe0-a602-d91c6fdedeb4 7543443c-c06e-445e-a2bd-aae43484175a 3 10362072 10362072 G A SNP ATP2B2 NM_001001331.2 human genbank 54_36p -1 reviewed missense c.2699 p.T900M 1.000 superfamily_Calcium ATPase transmembrane domain M HMMPfam_Cation_ATPase_N,HMMPfam_Hydrolase,HMMPfam_Cation_ATPase_C,HMMPfam_E1-E2_ATPase,PatternScan_ATPASE_E1_E2,superfamily_HAD-like,superfamily_Calcium ATPase transduction domain A,superfamily_Metal cation-transporting ATPase ATP-binding domain N,superfamily_Calcium ATPase transmembrane domain M - no_errors 375 14 3.60 125 77 38.12 NA NA NA MST1 0 36 3 49698920 49698920 + Splice_Site SNP T T G TCGA-AB-2913-03A-01W-0732-08 TCGA-AB-2913-11A-01W-0732-08 T T T G T T Verified Valid Somatic Phase_IV WXS Hybrid_Capture_Illumina_Seq 1 dbGAP Illumina HiSeq 8efe9ea1-d3b2-4fe0-a602-d91c6fdedeb4 7543443c-c06e-445e-a2bd-aae43484175a 3 49698920 49698920 T G SNP MST1 NM_020998.3 human genbank 54_36p -1 validated splice_site c.806-2 e8-2 0.046 - - - no_errors 66 2 2.94 29 12 29.27 0 0 0.00 ADAMTS9 0 36 3 64507612 64507612 + Silent SNP A A T TCGA-AB-2913-03A-01W-0732-08 TCGA-AB-2913-11A-01W-0732-08 A A A T A A Verified Valid Somatic Phase_IV WXS Hybrid_Capture_Illumina_Seq 1 dbGAP Illumina HiSeq 8efe9ea1-d3b2-4fe0-a602-d91c6fdedeb4 7543443c-c06e-445e-a2bd-aae43484175a 3 64507612 64507612 A T SNP ADAMTS9 NM_182920.1 human genbank 54_36p -1 reviewed silent c.4926 p.I1642 1.000 HMMSmart_SM00209,superfamily_TSP-1 type 1 repeat "HMMPfam_TSP_1,HMMSmart_SM00209,superfamily_TSP-1 type 1 repeat,HMMPfam_Reprolysin,HMMPfam_Pep_M12B_propep,HMMPfam_ADAM_spacer1,HMMPfam_GON,superfamily_Metalloproteases (""zincins"") catalytic domain" - no_errors 130 5 3.60 150 148 49.50 NA NA NA RGNEF 0 36 5 73172319 73172319 + Missense_Mutation SNP C C A TCGA-AB-2913-03A-01W-0732-08 TCGA-AB-2913-11A-01W-0732-08 C C C A C C Verified Valid Somatic Phase_IV WXS Hybrid_Capture_Illumina_Seq 1 dbGAP Illumina HiSeq 8efe9ea1-d3b2-4fe0-a602-d91c6fdedeb4 7543443c-c06e-445e-a2bd-aae43484175a 5 73172319 73172319 C A SNP RGNEF NM_001080479.1 human genbank 54_36p +1 provisional missense c.1405 p.Q469K 0.990 NULL HMMPfam_RhoGEF,HMMSmart_SM00325,superfamily_DBL homology domain (DH-domain),HMMPfam_PH,HMMSmart_SM00233,HMMPfam_C1_1,HMMSmart_SM00109,PatternScan_ZF_DAG_PE_1,superfamily_PH domain-like,superfamily_Cysteine-rich domain - no_errors 118 5 4.07 76 66 45.21 NA NA NA EPPK1 0 36 8 145012319 145012319 + Missense_Mutation SNP C C T TCGA-AB-2913-03A-01W-0732-08 TCGA-AB-2913-11A-01W-0732-08 C C C T C C Verified Valid Somatic Phase_IV WXS Hybrid_Capture_Illumina_Seq 1 dbGAP Illumina HiSeq 8efe9ea1-d3b2-4fe0-a602-d91c6fdedeb4 7543443c-c06e-445e-a2bd-aae43484175a 8 145012319 145012319 C T SNP EPPK1 NM_031308.1 human genbank 54_36p -1 provisional missense c.7016 p.R2339Q 0.999 HMMPfam_Plectin,HMMSmart_SM00250,superfamily_Plakin repeat HMMPfam_Plectin,HMMSmart_SM00250,superfamily_Plakin repeat - no_stop_codon:bad_bp_length_for_coding_region 113 0 0.00 36 6 13.95 1 0 0.00 WT1 0 36 11 32374378 32374378 + Splice_Site SNP C C G TCGA-AB-2913-03A-01W-0732-08 TCGA-AB-2913-11A-01W-0732-08 C C C G C C Verified Valid Somatic Phase_IV WXS Hybrid_Capture_Illumina_Seq 1 dbGAP Illumina HiSeq 8efe9ea1-d3b2-4fe0-a602-d91c6fdedeb4 7543443c-c06e-445e-a2bd-aae43484175a 11 32374378 32374378 C G SNP WT1 NM_024426.3 human genbank 54_36p -1 reviewed splice_site c.1249+1 e7+1 1.000 - - - no_errors 150 18 10.71 8 69 89.61 0 5 100.00 ALPK3 0 36 15 83202210 83202210 + Silent SNP G G A TCGA-AB-2913-03A-01W-0732-08 TCGA-AB-2913-11A-01W-0732-08 G G G A G G Verified Valid Somatic Phase_IV WXS Hybrid_Capture_Illumina_Seq 1 dbGAP Illumina HiSeq 8efe9ea1-d3b2-4fe0-a602-d91c6fdedeb4 7543443c-c06e-445e-a2bd-aae43484175a 15 83202210 83202210 G A SNP ALPK3 NM_020778.4 human genbank 54_36p +1 validated silent c.3843 p.E1281 0.865 NULL HMMSmart_SM00408,HMMSmart_SM00409,HMMPfam_Alpha_kinase,HMMSmart_SM00811,superfamily_Protein kinase-like (PK-like),HMMPfam_I-set,superfamily_Immunoglobulin - no_errors 122 4 3.17 80 70 46.36 NA NA NA ADAMTS17 0 36 15 98406586 98406586 + Missense_Mutation SNP G G A TCGA-AB-2913-03A-01W-0732-08 TCGA-AB-2913-11A-01W-0732-08 G G G A G G Verified Valid Somatic Phase_IV WXS Hybrid_Capture_Illumina_Seq 1 dbGAP Illumina HiSeq 8efe9ea1-d3b2-4fe0-a602-d91c6fdedeb4 7543443c-c06e-445e-a2bd-aae43484175a 15 98406586 98406586 G A SNP ADAMTS17 NM_139057.2 human genbank 54_36p -1 reviewed missense c.2590 p.R864W 0.986 HMMPfam_TSP_1,HMMSmart_SM00209,superfamily_TSP-1 type 1 repeat "HMMPfam_TSP_1,HMMSmart_SM00209,superfamily_TSP-1 type 1 repeat,HMMPfam_Reprolysin,HMMPfam_Pep_M12B_propep,HMMSmart_SM00608,PatternScan_ZINC_FINGER_C2H2_1,HMMPfam_ADAM_spacer1,HMMPfam_PLAC,superfamily_Metalloproteases (""zincins"") catalytic domain" - no_errors 208 17 7.52 61 38 38.38 NA NA NA ZNF646 0 36 16 30997770 30997770 + Missense_Mutation SNP C C T TCGA-AB-2913-03A-01W-0732-08 TCGA-AB-2913-11A-01W-0732-08 C C C T C C Verified Valid Somatic Phase_IV WXS Hybrid_Capture_Illumina_Seq 1 dbGAP Illumina HiSeq 8efe9ea1-d3b2-4fe0-a602-d91c6fdedeb4 7543443c-c06e-445e-a2bd-aae43484175a 16 30997770 30997770 C T SNP ZNF646 NM_014699.3 human genbank 54_36p +1 validated missense c.2624 p.A875V 0.122 NULL HMMPfam_zf-C2H2,PatternScan_ZINC_FINGER_C2H2_1,HMMSmart_SM00355,superfamily_C2H2 and C2HC zinc fingers - no_errors 385 49 11.24 43 38 45.78 3 7 70.00 TOX3 0 36 16 51037488 51037488 + Silent SNP A A T TCGA-AB-2913-03A-01W-0732-08 TCGA-AB-2913-11A-01W-0732-08 A A A T A A Verified Valid Somatic Phase_IV WXS Hybrid_Capture_Illumina_Seq 1 dbGAP Illumina HiSeq 8efe9ea1-d3b2-4fe0-a602-d91c6fdedeb4 7543443c-c06e-445e-a2bd-aae43484175a 16 51037488 51037488 A T SNP TOX3 NM_001080430.1 human genbank 54_36p -1 provisional silent c.825 p.G275 0.973 HMMPfam_HMG_box,HMMSmart_HMG,superfamily_HMG-box HMMPfam_HMG_box,HMMSmart_HMG,superfamily_HMG-box - no_errors 364 10 2.67 224 152 40.11 NA NA NA HSD17B1 0 36 17 37960014 37960014 + Missense_Mutation SNP A A G TCGA-AB-2913-03A-01W-0732-08 TCGA-AB-2913-11A-01W-0732-08 A A A G A A Verified Valid Somatic Phase_IV WXS Hybrid_Capture_Illumina_Seq 1 dbGAP Illumina HiSeq 8efe9ea1-d3b2-4fe0-a602-d91c6fdedeb4 7543443c-c06e-445e-a2bd-aae43484175a 17 37960014 37960014 A G SNP HSD17B1 NM_000413.2 human genbank 54_36p +1 validated missense c.605 p.E202G 0.008 superfamily_NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-fold domains HMMPfam_adh_short,PatternScan_ADH_SHORT,superfamily_NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-fold domains - no_errors 160 13 7.47 36 40 51.28 10 3 23.08 TMEM104 0 36 17 70302819 70302819 + Silent SNP G G A TCGA-AB-2913-03A-01W-0732-08 TCGA-AB-2913-11A-01W-0732-08 G G G A G G Verified Valid Somatic Phase_IV WXS Hybrid_Capture_Illumina_Seq 1 dbGAP Illumina HiSeq 8efe9ea1-d3b2-4fe0-a602-d91c6fdedeb4 7543443c-c06e-445e-a2bd-aae43484175a 17 70302819 70302819 G A SNP TMEM104 NM_017728.3 human genbank 54_36p +1 validated silent c.501 p.V167 1.000 NULL HMMPfam_Aa_trans - no_errors 604 35 5.46 126 117 47.37 12 13 52.00 FKBP8 0 36 19 18513580 18513580 + Silent SNP C C T TCGA-AB-2913-03A-01W-0732-08 TCGA-AB-2913-11A-01W-0732-08 C C C T C C Verified Valid Somatic Phase_IV WXS Hybrid_Capture_Illumina_Seq 1 dbGAP Illumina HiSeq 8efe9ea1-d3b2-4fe0-a602-d91c6fdedeb4 7543443c-c06e-445e-a2bd-aae43484175a 19 18513580 18513580 C T SNP FKBP8 NM_012181.3 human genbank 54_36p -1 reviewed silent c.201 p.E67 0.994 superfamily_SSF54534 HMMPfam_FKBP_C,HMMPfam_TPR_1,superfamily_SSF48452,superfamily_SSF54534 - no_errors 606 39 6.05 47 32 40.00 39 33 45.83 EGLN2 0 36 19 45998824 45998824 + Silent SNP G G A TCGA-AB-2913-03A-01W-0732-08 TCGA-AB-2913-11A-01W-0732-08 G G G A G G Verified Valid Somatic Phase_IV WXS Hybrid_Capture_Illumina_Seq 1 dbGAP Illumina HiSeq 8efe9ea1-d3b2-4fe0-a602-d91c6fdedeb4 7543443c-c06e-445e-a2bd-aae43484175a 19 45998824 45998824 G A SNP EGLN2 NM_053046.2 human genbank 54_36p +1 reviewed silent c.507 p.A169 0.001 NULL HMMPfam_2OG-FeII_Oxy,HMMSmart_SM00702 - no_errors 158 1 0.63 50 47 47.96 8 8 50.00 ZNF548 0 36 19 62603022 62603022 + Missense_Mutation SNP A A G TCGA-AB-2913-03A-01W-0732-08 TCGA-AB-2913-11A-01W-0732-08 A A A G A A Verified Valid Somatic Phase_IV WXS Hybrid_Capture_Illumina_Seq 1 dbGAP Illumina HiSeq 8efe9ea1-d3b2-4fe0-a602-d91c6fdedeb4 7543443c-c06e-445e-a2bd-aae43484175a 19 62603022 62603022 A G SNP ZNF548 NM_152909.2 human genbank 54_36p +1 provisional missense c.1555 p.T519A 0.000 NULL HMMPfam_KRAB,HMMSmart_SM00349,superfamily_KRAB domain (Kruppel-associated box Pfam 01352),HMMPfam_zf-C2H2,PatternScan_ZINC_FINGER_C2H2_1,HMMSmart_SM00355,superfamily_C2H2 and C2HC zinc fingers - no_errors 549 33 5.65 278 200 41.41 13 16 55.17 NPM1 0 36 5 170770152 170770153 + Frame_Shift_Ins INS - - TCTG TCGA-AB-2913-03A-01W-0732-08 TCGA-AB-2913-11A-01W-0732-08 - - - TCTG - - Verified Valid Somatic Phase_IV WXS Hybrid_Capture_Illumina_Seq 1 dbGAP Illumina HiSeq 8efe9ea1-d3b2-4fe0-a602-d91c6fdedeb4 7543443c-c06e-445e-a2bd-aae43484175a 5 170770152 170770153 - TCTG INS NPM1 NM_002520.1 human genbank 54_36p +1 validated frame_shift_ins c.863_864 p.W288fs 1.000:1.000 NULL HMMPfam_Nucleoplasmin,superfamily_Nucleoplasmin-like core domain - no_errors NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA FLT3 0 36 13 27506240 27506241 + In_Frame_Ins INS - - AAACTCCCATTTGAGATCATATTCATATTCTCTGAAATCAACGTAGAAGTACTCATTATCTGAGGA TCGA-AB-2913-03A-01W-0732-08 TCGA-AB-2913-11A-01W-0732-08 - - - AAACTCCCATTTGAGATCATATTCATATTCTCTGAAATCAACGTAGAAGTACTCATTATCTGAGGA - - Verified Valid Somatic Phase_IV WXS Hybrid_Capture_Illumina_Seq 1 dbGAP Illumina HiSeq 8efe9ea1-d3b2-4fe0-a602-d91c6fdedeb4 7543443c-c06e-445e-a2bd-aae43484175a 13 27506240 27506241 - AAACTCCCATTTGAGATCATATTCATATTCTCTGAAATCAACGTAGAAGTACTCATTATCTGAGGA INS FLT3 NM_004119.2 human genbank 54_36p -1 reviewed in_frame_ins c.1816_1815 p.605in_frame_insSSDNEYFYVDFREYEYDLKWEF 1.000:0.998 superfamily_Kinase_like HMMPfam_Pkinase_Tyr,HMMSmart_TyrKc,PatternScan_RECEPTOR_TYR_KIN_III,PatternScan_PROTEIN_KINASE_TYR,superfamily_Kinase_like,HMMPfam_ig,PatternScan_PROTEIN_KINASE_ATP,superfamily_SSF48726 - no_errors NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA